The Global Village is driven by technology.
It began with television, telecoms and travel. Gradually, stumblingly we learnt about other people – not just where they were on the map but how they lived, what they thought, what they needed, what they aspired to. At first it was a peek at their quaint, sometimes bizarre, lifestyles, customs and practices. Mother T and Bob Geldorf brought us down to earth. Mother T talked for over fifty years about the poorest of the poor until we began to realise they demanded more than an odd coin in the collector’s tin. Geldorf held The Concert and began a massive, serious movement of giving.
Famine, earthquake, flood – all the natural disasters – became the real on-line drama of life. So did the media-monitored terrorist attacks. We went to look but we also went to help. We rounded on our religious superiors for their patronising, ‘heaven next’ approach. As the final notes of our evening prayers resonated through the great Cathedral, Mosque or Temple we began to feel that to follow them with a slap-up, four course dinner washed down with a good hearty drink was not always the best response to those without shelter, food and medicine.
For business, the Global Village offered markets beyond the wildest dreams of our fathers and grandfathers. We were now selling finished goods to people some of whom were beginning to have enough in their pockets for more than the bare essentials. It seemed as though growth was guaranteed forever. Expansion was the name of the game.
People who achieve a little discretionary spending soon want a little more… and a little more. They are willing to work for it at rates that make the present producers look very expensive. ‘Lowest cost’ drives production – and, increasingly, services (call centres, for example) – to where it can be done most economically, leaving in its wake a trail of redundancies, bankruptcies and capital shortages.
All this will shift unemployment – gradually, at first – from the destitute to the well-off, the very people who are seeking a Balanced Life Style.