Work Life

Riches Begin In The Mind

Business Advice Pro: It’s writing down your goals with specific deadlines, writing down your goals like you have already achieved it all. And then rewriting them twice a day, or even if not rewriting them then at least reading them again twice a day with thought.
Why? You’re a 9-5 worker or you’re not doing very well. It’s very hard to imagine and actually start believing that you can earn a million dollars a year. It is, I know. So somehow you need to put that thought to your unconsciousness and that’s why you need this written list and that’s why you need to read it again and again and again and again. Yes, I know, I used to think this was really stupid as well. But it ain’t.
There’s also certain things you need to think of, certain things you need to achieve in order to become successful. You need to have a positive mental attitude, sound physical health, you need to be free from fear or at least be able to use it to your benefit, hope and belief in future achievements, open mind, self-discipline. Riches start with a state of mind.
Keeping your goals in mind [Business Advice Pro]

By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.