
What should be the aim for Success!

There are billions of web base businesses all over the world, and we keep reading success stories from media. Such sensational news and gossips encourage us to jump in Web World to make more money, to make our life easier. Because there is a thought like internet allows you to grow up easily and when you grown up just retire from your job and travel whole around the world… Oh, i wish it would be so easy to do, however it’s not.
Think about Steve Jobs (All of us know him, but let me mention him again); he found Apple and when he actually started to earn money, he is fired! So he started to work that hard again like his first startup (Apple) for Pixar Studios, and he keeps creating worth even he has billions. Or let’s think about Larry Page or Sergey Brin, should they retire and travel all around the world? Sure not… They keep engraving Google in our brains and keep changing approaches like what they did first.
Won’t we retire to travel all around the world?
No doubt, we will! But there is just one point, it shouldn’t be an aim for your business. Because when you aim to make money with your projects, all your approach changes.
Start to see people like Dollars,
Give up easier when you can’t earn that fast
May jump into other profitable ideas
When you need to decide something, you keep deciding up to Making Money Aim!
What should be the aim?
There is just one way for succesfull businesses; Aim to Change The World!
Choose the idea which you love, cause it helps to go on working hard even you don’t make money. Also you want to fix or develop the things for whole World which you LOVE…

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking, and don’t settle.
As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”
Steve Jobs

There is nothing else to satisfy you more, if you did something for world. For that reason you will work harder to be satisfied again and again… So when it becomes an addictness, you will start to earn more and more…
What to do then?
?t’s your success, and it’s your decision. While you keep creating worth, spend more time for family, travel all around the world or sell your business to build something different
Your turn, what you LOVE to do? And how will you change the world?

By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.

5 replies on “What should be the aim for Success!”

So true. Life is too short and precious to live it any other way. Unfortunately not every one has been blessed to live a fulfilling life. Some of us have to really go out and find it. Be resilient and persistent and eventually you will get it. Later is better than never.

Thanx Connie, just im glad too with wat im doing… And all person has different satisfactions about life; money, make someone happy, creating worth, reputation and goes on.. so just the main point is Love..

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