Success Attitude

Turning Negative Self-Talk Into Love

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”– Mahatma Gandhi

Your Self-Talk

Have you ever paid attention to the conversations you are having in your head?

Your self talk gives voice to what you believe about yourself, others, the world…  All that internal chatter can either help you or hinder you to lead a happier, prosperous life.

Your self-talk echoes the beliefs you have come to accept as TRUE, such as worst case scenarios, things that happened in the past you expect to repeat, and what ifs. If your self-talk is compelling enough, you can scare yourself into action or immobility.

Internally – it is the constant commentary inside your head.

Externally – it is the comments you make about yourself and what’s going on around you to friends, family, and everyone you come in contact with.

Your self talk can be supportive (empowering, makes you feel good) or non-supportive (deflating, makes you feel bad).

When we believe the things we tell ourselves, “It’s going to be too hard. What if I make a mistake? I’m not good enough”, we can feel confusion, anger, fear, stress…. When we believe the negative things we tell ourselves about who we are, we our world might become one of lack, pain, & struggle.

Noticing your internal commentary is an important key in taking steps to change beliefs and create new realities. The more you recognize that you are NOT the story you are identifying with and telling others, you can free yourself to shift into empowered choice and action.

The Power of Language (excerpt from Aligning With Destiny program)

When you become aware of the language you are using unconsciously, you can intentionally choose to shift the energy to a more expansive way of expressing, thus raising your vibrations to align with manifesting what you want.

Common ways we use language to create pain:

Notice how some of the language is creating undesired states of being through violent suggestions and untruths that our bodies. How often do you think and say things that begin with these words? Repeat the words below and feel into your body as you say them out loud.

•    I don’t have time to….
•    I’m starving to death
•    My head is killing me
•    You make me sick
•    This person/situation is driving me crazy
•    “You made me…” (blaming others for your reaction)
•    My life would be better if only…(excuses and rationalizations)
•    I am…
•    I’m the type of person who…
•    I can’t afford to…
•    I can’t…
•    It’s too hard…
•    I’m sick and tired of…

How do you feel? Do the words feel constrictive or expansive?

We manifest what we give the most energy and attention to. If you are using words that create pain and constriction, you will make them your reality.

Shifting Language

Shifting language includes recognizing that how you schedule your time is a choice based on what your valued priorities are in any situation.

Words like NEVER, ALWAYS, and FOREVER are constrictive and imply absolutes. When you find yourself using these words, ask yourself, “Is what I am thinking, feeling, and saying really true?”

Shifting language is simple and powerful. You can start by replacing constrictive, restrictive or untrue language by challenging yourself to align with your truth.

Instead, you can say things like:

•    Sometimes
•    In some situations
•    I have had experiences when
•    In the past…
•    I have found…
•    It’s possible….

Words like: should, shouldn’t, need to, have to, and “supposed to”… create the illusion that you have a lack of choice.

You don’t

How much vitality and joy do you feel when you do things out of guilt, obligation, or shame because you fear negative consequences. You may be afraid of upsetting others or risking the withdrawal of their love and being punished in some way.

The result is a build-up of resentment, anger and frustration that ultimately becomes self-directed.

Shifting into the language of choice opens the flow to receive more of what you want. Repeat the words below and feel into your body as you say them out loud.

•    I choose to…..
•    It’s ok to…
•    I give myself permission to
•    I allow…
•    I want…
•    I get to…
•    I love to…

How do you feel?

Do the words feel constrictive or expansive?

The mind, when directed by Universal Love (God/Higher Power, one’s Spirit) can be an amazing tool for creating a fulfilling and purposefull life, especially when the mind is allowed to be directed by the heart/Universal Love.

Whether you want a thriving business, greater prosperity, vibrant health, a loving relationship, weight reduction….. your thoughts and words are creating your reality all the time.

Start consciously paying attention to your self talk. Is it positively supportive or non-supportive? What are you repeating to others?

If it’s non-supportive, how can you change your language to be more affirming and accepting?

If you saw yourself through the eyes of love as the Divine sees you, how would your self-talk change?

What would love say?

What would love feel?

What would love think?

What would love do?

Energy goes where attention goes.  Choose the thoughts and words you wish to be the seeds that sprout in the inner garden of your heart. What you plant today and water every day becomes the flowers or weeds of your future.

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