Human Resource

Top Reasons to Do Background Check Drug Test

If you are in a position that’s directly related to hiring people for your company (or the company you are employed through), then it is very important to conduct a background check drug test. This type of background check is pertinent to ensuring your workplace is free of drugs. It can also help curb the potential of hiring people who tend to display violent behaviors. For now, though, let’s take a quick look at the top reasons to do a background check as well as drug tests on the employees you hire as well as those that stay employed through your company (or through your employer).

Reveal Intoxication During the Hiring Process

One of the best ways to avoid hiring people who suffer from substance abuse is to see which ones are under the influence during the hiring process. You can easily do this by requesting applicants to submit to a drug test and criminal background check before you actually hire them. In doing this, you can pinpoint the applicants who are currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and this will help greatly with your hiring decisions.

Prevent Costly Accidents

One of the top reasons to avoid hiring people who have an active substance abuse problem is because you can help prevent accidents from taking place at the workplace. When an accident occurs at work, and it is discovered that drugs were involved, this puts all the liability on the employer because it is the employer that should have made sure its employees were not abusing drugs. With a criminal background check and drug testing, you can make sure you are doing all that you can to uphold your due diligence in making the workplace safe and comfortable for everyone.

Avoid Chaos

When employees abuse drugs, they tend to abuse them with the people they are around the most. If your employees are all using drugs together, this can not only lead to safety issues, but it can lead to a lot of chaos in the workplace, especially when it comes to “he-said, she-said” spreading of gossip. But when you regularly drug test employees, this can help with maintaining a workplace that is free of drugs. By doing initial screenings, you can reduce the number of workers that come into your place of employment under the influence of drugs, which therefore helps decrease the overall substance abuse problems that impact the business.

Increase Employee Productivity

Workers under the influence of drugs don’t produce productivity levels as high as workers that aren’t under the influence. By making employees go through initial drug testing during the hiring process, and then making them go through it while they are employed, this can significantly impact productivity levels positively. The goal during the hiring process is to hire people who aren’t abusing illegal drugs, and a criminal background check along with drug testing is one of the best ways to do this.

Final Thoughts

As a hiring manager or the CEO of your company, it’s very important to make sure your workers are doing all that they can to provide you with the most productive levels of work possible. By doing drug screenings and background checks, it possible to keep your company operating as smoothly as possible. It also helps you avoid any liability for any accidents that take place at work. If you would like to learn more about doing background checks and drug testing, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Locate a background check drug test company to help ensure you create a safe and healthy workplace for your employees as well as yourself.