Success Attitude

How Do You Define Success – Failing Forward


How do you define success?

I recently conducted a workshop on teambuilding. The workshop focused on how to build better relationship and influence others, meet them where they are. This allows you to build a mutually beneficial relationship and create a win/win for all parties.

I started out the workshop by asking the audience their definition of success. The answers ranged from satisfying relationships, a bigger house, a faster car, getting my kids through college, accomplishment, etc. I was not surprised by the answers but I was surprised by how little we understand about success.

Success is none of the above. Those are outcome of being successful. I did some research on the word success and I found that when it was first introduced into the English language the word simply meant “taking action.” As I ponder this definition, I realized it is the only definition of success that works for me.

Successful people do not experience the outcomes of success because they have a bigger house, newer car, or the children’s colleges paid for. They are successful because they took action. The actions lead to a bigger house, a newer car, etc.

Taking action is very difficult. It is difficult because people don’t know what they want to take action. They are afraid they will be wrong. When I would coach with my business clients, I always encourage them to take action – any action (within reason) because if they make a mistake we can usually correct the outcome with little difficulty. The problem is in not taking action. There is nothing to correct.

I love failure. Don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about our usually concept of being a failure (usually a self perception and acceptance of beliefs we accepted as children – whatever they are for you.) I am talking about trying something and not getting the desired results.

That means I am closer to my goal. I found out what does not work. I love Thomas Edison’s mind set. Edison never failed; he reframed everything into a success. He simply founds ways that did not work.

Think about it as if you are a rocket. A rocket does not set a course and go. No, it adjusts the course thousands of times a second. It appears to be headed straight to the target but all along its flight path it is self correcting as it moves forward.

Be like the rocket. Self correct. Accept feedback from your employees, clients, the market, your friends and family. Filter the noise and accept what makes sense and let the rest go. Be grateful that others care enough to share with you how they think you can be successful. But never give up ownership of the outcome, the result and your role in creating your success.

Let me ask the question again: How do you define success? What actions are you taking to be successful? How will you know when you are successful? How will you measure your progress? How will you take ownership? What will fuel your passion when you hit those obstacles that seem to pop up at the most inopportune moments? What ideas do you have? How will you stay focused?
Remember, success is taking action. As a good friend of mine always says:

“Go out there and make something happen.”

People & Relationships

Are You One of The Monkeys?

I received an email that lead me to this story. In a very few words it explains why change is so difficult. At the same time, it asks you to take a look at your behavior to see how you are contributing to the success of the team. I post the original article below for your reading pleasure and I am including the link where I found the original article: It was written by Gary Stuart Wicks is the Director of Media Services for TiggerOnSpeed Ltd.

This is a powerful story.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you do a particular thing in a particular way? Do you just follow the advice of those that have been doing the task the longest without further question?
Consider the following scenario, then consider your position within your company and ask yourself honestly, why?

Let’s begin with a cage that contains five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of step ladders underneath it.
Before long, a monkey will go to the step ladder and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the first rung, spray all of the monkeys with cold water. After a while, another monkey makes an attempt to retrieve the banana resulting in another soaking for all five monkeys.

After a few more attempts any monkey making the trip towards the step ladder will be prevented by the remaining monkeys.

Now, remove the water source. Extract one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and heads towards the step ladder; to his surprise and annoyance he is instantly attacked by the other monkeys.

After a second attempt and resulting attack, he is aware of the fact that if he makes his way to the step ladder in order to retrieve the banana he will be assaulted by the remaining monkeys.

Next, remove another of the original team of five monkeys and once more replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes towards the step ladder and is attacked. This time though, the previous newcomer has taken part in the attack with enthusiasm.

Again, replace a third monkey with a new one. The new one makes it to the step ladder and is in turn attacked.

Of the attacking force two of the four monkeys have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the step ladder, or even why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

After replacing the fourth and fifth original monkeys, all the monkeys that were aware of the water source and in turn were sprayed have now been replaced.

Nevertheless, no monkey will ever again approach the step ladder.

Why not?

Because as far as they know that’s the way it’s always been around here; and that’s how company policy begins.

So, now you should be considering what you can do to avoid making the same mistakes as the group of monkeys; this is not something that can be instructed to you, this is something that only you can discover relative to your current position within the scenario.

If your team within the company acts in a similar fashion to the monkeys then you are undoubtedly not getting the best from your team, and therefore you are not providing your best to the company.

Do you want the presence of your company to suffer? Think outside the box.