How-To Guides

How to Create A Perfect Filing System


I know… you probably think of filing as the most boring job in the world, and there are probably a 101 other thing that you would prefer to do instead. However, as a solo business owner, it is down to you to do the filing and stay organized. As a result this is one of the areas that a lot of solo business owners find overwhelming – they simply do not know where to start, or how to systemize their business.

Papers here; papers there; papers everywhere!

The more piles of paper there are, the more overwhelmed they feel!

Creating and maintaining a filing system is the very foundation that your business is built on, so this is the first system you need to put in place – an efficient and effective filing system. And one that is simple to use too!

With a proper filing system in place you will very quickly and easily be able to find the information you need, when you need it.

Let me share with you below my 7 easy steps for creating your ideal filing system:

1. Determine your storage needs. Whether you decide to opt for a plastic filing crate, or a dedicated filing cabinet, one thing you need to keep in mind that you will need TWICE as much space as you think you’ll need.

2. Decide how you naturally look for information. This will determine what your filing system will look like, and how you will set up your files. For example are you a person who thinks in alphabetical terms, or does categorization serve you better? Remember – this is YOUR filing system so you need to do what works for YOU.

3. Categorize your filing drawers/crates. For example if you have a two-drawer filing cabinet, use the top drawer for business files and the bottom drawer for personal files. You decide how best to categorize your filing drawers. But don’t just put all your files together in one drawer without any system otherwise you won’t be able to find anything again!

4. Gather your supplies. Tabbed file folders work best simply because there are no holes to punch or fiddly clasps to undo. You simply drop your papers into your file – making filing your paperwork a cinch!

5. Create quick and easy access to your day-to-day files. A stepped-sorter holds approximately 8-10 files which step up the further back they are – making your files easily visible. Keep this on your desk, and store in it those files you know you will need access to every day.

6. Now move on to your PC filing system. Your PC is a very large filing cabinet, so it makes sense to create a similar filing system here as you did for your paper files. That way you do not have to manage two different filing systems – it’s the same system except one is physical, and the other is electronic.

7. Create a system for your emails. Again, follow a very similar or the same system for creating email folders as you did for your paper and PC files. Outlook and Thunderbird allow you to create different mail folders.

Consistency is the key to an easy-to-use, successful filing system. Create the same files and folders for your paper-based system, your PC system, and your email program.


Expand Your Team and Add More Hours To Your Day Without Losing Any Sleep!


There are only so many hours in a day and working on your own as a solopreneur means that if you want to really grow your business you either have to find a way of going without sleep, or expand your team!

Personally, I prefer the latter! And this is what I’ve been doing recently too. My web host takes care of anything technical for me related to my website, and over the summer I partnered with a bookkeeper so that she could take over this area of my business for me! It’s made such a difference being able to hand over a large area of my workload to someone else.

So how can you ensure that your new-found team all work together and provide the best possible support for you and your business? Here are my top three tips:

1. Create a Team Directory. List your virtual team members with their name, role, email, telephone number, website, and job description and circulate it amongst everyone on your team. That way everyone will know who is doing what and can go directly to the appropriate team member with questions rather than have to go through you.
2. Schedule in a Weekly Call. This would be the equivalent of an office staff meeting, but you can do this virtually using a teleconference service. There are many services available and a lot of them are free, you just pay for the call at your end. This is a great way to stay in touch with your team.
3. Encourage communication between team members outside of the weekly call. Set everyone up on a Yahoo group or instant messaging service so that they can communicate with one another and get your projects done.

With my clients as well as having a weekly call we utilize a wonderful virtual office service that lets us upload and share documents, centralize our contacts, allocate tasks, and maintain our calendars. Members of our ‘team’ can also communicate with one another via a forum, and we can also hold team votes!

So if you’re finding that you’ve reached a plateau in your business, and you enjoy getting your nightly sleep! follow my advice above and expand your team.


Three Key Office Systems You Need to Manage Your Business


These days we are so overloaded with information that it’s easy to lose sight of the basics of running a business, and you very quickly become overwhelmed and suffer from information overload! Just take a look at some of the ebooks, products, ecourses etc. you have stored on your PC – I bet they all relate to marketing your business, getting more clients, increasing your income etc. but I bet NONE of them tell you how to manage your business!

Building a successful long-term profitable business isn’t about “marketing” your business, it’s about “managing” your business – the marketing comes once you have your management systems in place.

You cannot begin to market your business if you can’t find the information you need, don’t know who you are marketing to, and don’t know where you are in your business.

So, let’s go back to basics and take a look at the 3 key office systems you need to “manage” your business before you can start to “market” your business.

Filing Management System

Creating and maintaining a filing system is the very foundation that your business is built on, so this is the very first system you need to put in place – an efficient and effective filing system.

With a proper filing system in place you will very quickly and easily be able to find the information you need, when you need it.

Contact Management System

After you’ve got your filing system all straightened out, you then need to set about organizing your contacts. This is another crucial area of managing your business. If set up correctly your contact management system allows you to:

* Keep a note of clients, potential clients, and colleagues contact information.
* Easily and effectively follow-up with a prospect.
* Locate critical client contact information quickly and easily.
* Build your business.

Financial Management System

The is the final key office management system you need to put in place for managing your business. Once you know where you are in your business financially, you will be able to much more effectively market your business.

Having up-to-date, critical, financial information available at your fingertips allows you to efficiently manage cashflow and be able to know straightaway if you can take advantage of opportunities that come your way.

So remember, go back to basics and first “manage” your business before you “market” your business.


Streamline Your Office Management Systems in 3 Quick Steps!


When you have systems in place your mind is also clear because you’re not feeling overwhelmed; instead you feel organized and calm, knowing that everything is taken care of and the systems are running smoothly. This allows you to focus on your clients and your other income generating activities. Your creative juices flow and you can begin developing additional streams of income.

Therefore running an efficient and streamlined business is all about continuously improving and ‘tweaking’ your office management systems so that they grow with your business and not hinder your business.

But why do you need efficient office systems in place? Here are some answers!

# To quickly and easily find important contact information.
# To be able to respond to client’s requests straightaway.
# So that you can immediately submit a proposal. To keep track of your business.
# To be able to follow-up with clients and contacts.
# So that you can stay on track with your projects.
# To monitor your latest marketing campaign.

Sometimes though problems don’t become apparent with your office management systems until you actually start using them — and then you may find out that they’re not working in the way that you’d hoped.

So what can you do about it?

Step #1 Look at where the problems are.

Are you constantly searching around looking for an email address? Or cannot tell at a glance if your project is on track? Or you don’t know your cashflow situation?

Make a list of where you feel the problems are, and then follow step two – you may be surprised at what you discover!

Step #2 Analyse what percentage of your time is being spent on administrative tasks.

Keep a diary for a week of how you are spending your time. At the end of the week look it over and see what percentage of your time is being spent on these jobs. Could this time be better spent on income-generating activities? Or market research?

Step #3 Compile a list of all non-income generating tasks that you currently do.

Could some of these be delegated? Would it help if you took on an assistant? Perhaps now is the time that you should start to think about partnering with a Virtual Assistant so that you can grow your business, and this list will help you determine where you need the support.

Once you have followed these 3 steps you should have a good idea of where your time is being spent, what your biggest time drains are, and where you can make improvements. You will be well on your way to deciding if you need to partner with a Virtual Assistant and will be able to see exactly where you need the support.