
Writing Your Book: Ten Tips to Get it Done!

Most entrepreneurs and executives really want to become a published author, but few have the time or resources to write their book. Writing a book is a big commitment, and many aspiring authors just can’t seem to get started. If you fall into that category, you may decide that you need a ghostwriter or a writing coach. On the other hand, you may just need a gentle nudge to get started.
If you’d like to make this year the year you finally write your book, these 10 tips to getting your book done can help:
1. Make the Commitment – In order to write a book, you really have to decide to do it. Make the commitment to begin. Write it down as a goal with a deadline. Be intentional and take action!
2. Write One Hour a Day – Every day, make time to write – even if it’s only an hour a day. Get up a little earlier to establish a set time daily. Carve out an hour and do nothing but write!
3. Blog Your Book – If you want to chunk down your writing and make it less intimidating, try “blogging” your book. Start a blog and post your entries every day or so. Before you know it, your blog content will grow into the chapters of your book!
4. Write What You Know – Make book-writing much easier on yourself by writing what you know. Use your background, expertise and experience to create the content of your book. When you go with what you know, the writing will just flow!
5. Repurpose Existing Content – If you’ve created a seminar, speech, article or e-book, then you’ve already got some content for your book. Be sure to review your existing materials – from blog posts to e-courses – and recycle what you can.
6. Write Fast, Edit Later – Set a timer for 30-minutes and just write. Don’t put too much thought into it, just get the words down. It’s a lot easier to re-write than it is to write, so write first and edit later.
7. Develop Your Structure – Don’t jump blindly into writing without an outline or chapter structure. You may change it on the fly, but working without an outline is like working without a safety net!
8. Break Through Writer’s Block – There are many tricks for overcoming writer’s block, but most of it comes down to discipline and determination. If you’re stuck, take a break; do something different; then come back at it with a vengeance!
9. Use Writer’s Groups – Joining a writer’s group gives you accountability partners and support. Take advantage of the power of groups, whether it’s an online group or an in-person group.
10. Get Some Help – If all else fails, enlist the support of a writing coach, a collaborator or even a ghostwriter. You may want to explore the possibility of working with a co-author to split the work and make the journey more enjoyable.
Whatever tactics you choose, make this year the year you finally write that book!

LouBortonePhoto.jpgLou Bortone is an award-winning writer and video producer with over 20 years experience in marketing, branding and promotion. As an online video expert, Lou helps entrepreneurs create video for the web at In addition, Lou works as a freelance writer and professional ghostwriter, with a ghostwriting site at and a blog at