Sales & Marketing

Strategies for Millennial Marketing

Millennials are currently the largest generation within the U.S. labor force with a purchasing power up to $200 billion per year. Your business’s success is dependent on marketing to them. Understanding their buying behavior is the first step in this process, so we’re going to go into some of the strategies for millennial marketing.


Influencers have the power to be engaging through their content even if it’s promotional. With word-of-mouth weighing heavily on millennial purchasing decisions, an influencer program is definitely something to look into. Aside from generating sales, they also build brand awareness which will grow your social following.

Two-Way Conversation

Millennials are selective with the brands they trust. This means you should be actively trying to build a relationship with them. Utilize social media to increase brand awareness and also to respond to customer’s questions and concerns. By communicating with them through social media, you’re giving them an opportunity to instill confidence and trust within your company. It may also be a good idea to conduct customer interviews, it’s a great way for your business to gain insight on what they’re looking for.

Video Content

Give millennials a digital experience by creating video content. There is 80 percent of millennials that use videos to conduct research so it’s important to have it readily available. It can quickly grab their attention when scrolling through their social feeds and is easy to share among social platforms. You can even be creative about it and give users a digital experience by posting it on a landing webpage, similar to Audi’s.


Millennials will do all the necessary research before making a purchase. They are also quick to fact-check what you claim your products to be. Ensure that your marketing efforts don’t include exaggerated ads of any sort and you’re completely transparent about your products and services. If they’re not, it can cause a negative wave of word-of-mouth.

Social Responsibility

If you’re a brand that tries to support causes and gives back to the community, millennials want to see that. They’re looking for companies that are making an impact on the world around them.  If you can effectively communicate exactly what your purpose is, you’ll make an emotional connection with them.

Optimize for Mobile

Most millennials are going to be viewing your content through a mobile device. You want to ensure that your content is mobile friendly. Your landing pages and emails should be optimized and image loading time should be quick. Creating vertical images and videos can also create a better experience for the user.

After having a strong grasp on millennial shopping behavior, start implementing some of these new strategies. Track your analytics to see what’s working and pay attention to those demographics. Once you’ve established your credibility to them, you’ll gain their loyalty.


This guest post was written by Katherine White. She writes articles for businesses that want to explore different marketing strategies. Currently, she is a contributor for 365 Business Tips and a digital marketing expert.