Business Trends

Start a Home Tutoring Business ? The Right Time, The Right Industry

It?s hard to look anywhere these days and not see someone who hasn?t been affected by unemployment and the gloomy economy. With some states experiencing up to a 20% unemployment rate, you often wonder if there is anyone succeeding today? Fortunately, there is. In fact, some businesses are not only succeeding, but thriving as well. For example, the Home Tutoring Industry and educational-based companies are experiencing record growth. Not only is it the right time for a home tutoring business, but the right industry as well.
This is primarily due to the fact that in order for students to excel today, they need to be able to get additional help. With school districts faced with larger class sizes, teacher layoffs, and even some schools canceling summer schools programs, students are faced with obstacles rarely seen before. In order for them to keep up and thrive, they need support and educational assistance. That?s where tutoring from home comes into play. Students get the help they need and most importantly at a price that parents can afford.
As the demand for tutors rises, so does the need for good home tutoring businesses. With the opportunity to not only make a great income, but make a difference in a child?s life, more and more are starting their own home tutoring businesses. It can be a perfect match for teachers and educators, women or men entering the workforce after staying home to care for family, or people who worked in Corporate America for many years and are looking for a change.
By starting your own home tutoring business, you become a tutor broker. Here you manage a network of professional teachers and educators, matching them with students in need of one-on-one in-home tutoring. In a sense you are establishing a home tutoring referral network in your community. The owner of the business, you, becomes a matchmaker, or broker, matching qualified tutors and teachers with children in need of individualized tutoring.
There are numerous programs out there that will help you start your own business. However, there are many things to consider before you make a final decision. What you are looking for is a company that is cost-effective. Now more than ever it?s important to find the right company
that not only offers the best advice, but has everything you need to get started. Therefore, whenever possible look for a company that can provide more than just a book and information. There are some companies out today, such as Home Tutoring Business, that provide not only the how to?s to starting a home tutoring business, but individualized coaching, website
design and optimization, marketing and advertising copy tailored to your new company, specialized accounting software unique to the tutoring industry, etc.
Steer clear of franchises. To be successful you don?t want to have to pay royalties and be at the beck and call of the franchise. As you?ve seen recently with the auto industry, when you are part of a franchise, they still make the decisions for you. You want a business that allows you total control and earning potential.
Finally, find a company that will stay in touch with you even after you purchase their information. Starting a business can be challenging and if you can find a company that will frequently stay connected via newsletters, cards, additional coaching, etc., you will benefit greatly.
About the Author:
Laurie Hurley based in Newbury Park, CA is the President and Founder of Home Tutoring Business, She has helped more than 100 people establish lucrative tutor referral services in their community. Laurie has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Woman’s World, Redbook Magazine, etc. Laurie also owns her own in-home tutoring company and has seen an unprecedented growth in business since the economic downturn.

By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.

3 replies on “Start a Home Tutoring Business ? The Right Time, The Right Industry”

Nice idea. Tutoring was always nice because you are not over dependent on external factors such as recession, inflation or deflation. You can at least be your own boss. But my only doubt is whether many people who have worked in corporates would fancy their chances in this arena.

Ms. Hurley makes some good points about the viability of tutoring, especially considering she has a complete package, including business plans and support to SELL you. Then, she has the chudspah to say, “Steer clear of franchises.” Well, my, my, the fox IS in the henhouse. Let’s see, don’t buy a franchise (which has a 90% success ration over independent businesses), no, buy MY stuff instead.
Not very genuine or honest either, Laurie. Truth is, just Google “tutoring” and you’ll see the major franchises, Huntington, Sylvan, Club Z, Kumon, and others that account for literally 1,000’s of satisfied franchise owners…and YOU have about 100???
Sour grapes, my dear. You should buy a franchise. You need more support than you’re giving others…especially when all you give them for their money is 3 HOURS of phone support. Gee, that’s generous…LOL.

I lost my job in Dec, we (my spouse & me) started tutoring biz. Fortunately, we both are Bachlers of Education, we started 5 months back and now its better support for our survival. But it was with hardwork to provide best results to the students.
I wish goodluck to the new starters.

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