
Skills the Smart Entrepreneur Should Learn in the 2013 Year


A new year means new opportunities for entrepreneurs around the world. What do you need to know for this year? Well, you need to know how to be better than you were the year before. That’s what being an entrepreneur is all about: constantly moving forward. Smart entrepreneurs know how to develop new skills, as well as hone in old ones. This year, you need to make sure that you’re at the top of your game. Nothing should be overlooked or neglected.

Develop Better People Skills

As an entrepreneur, you encounter people everyday. You need to know how to interact with them in a way to build trust and confidence in you as a person. Only once potential clients trust you will they ever be able to trust your product or service. Spend time studying how to perfect your people skills. Quiet entrepreneurs that keep to themselves may need to speak up more, while loud, “in-your-face” kind of salesmen may need to cut back a bit this year.

Know How to Make a Decision

Ultimately, entrepreneurs are businessmen. Businessmen must know how to make tough decisions. In 2013, put away the Magic 8 Ball and start making the difficult decisions you need to for your company.

Ditch the Napkin and Make a Plan

Many entrepreneurs are notorious for flying by the seat of their pants, so to speak. This year, take time to actually write a business plan and some goals for your business. As you grow, planning is going to be an essential part of your success. Whether you’ve been doing this a month or ten years, you still need to learn new and better ways to plan your business.

Take Some Time Off

This is something that most entrepreneurs never learn. Taking time to disconnect from the business for a while is a foreign idea to people that start their own businesses. However, you need to have time that you can get away from everything and relax your mind. Take friends or a loved one to a nice dinner a couple of times a month, use GOLFZING to plan a weekly game of golf, or simply take an hour every morning for some yoga and meditation. Whatever you decide, disconnect and enjoy it. Your business won’t run away while you’re gone.

Don’t let this year pass you by because you didn’t take the time that you needed to develop new skills and hone in old habits. Entrepreneurs face many difficulties and you need to be able to handle each and everyone that comes your way this year. It may be a good year or it may be a difficult one for your business, but that does not take away your responsibility to get out there and be better. Whether you need to know how to interact better with the people around you or take a vacation and relax while playing on some golf courses in LA, do it. Your career may depend on it.