Online Business

Protecting Your Online Blog Business

Blogs, despite the presence of social media sites and other publication channels, are still seen as one of the most powerful ways – if not THE most powerful way – to distribute content. There is something about a well-written blog that attracts loyal and engaged viewers.

A blog is also easy to monetize. With enough traffic, it is easy to generate revenue streams from different parts of the blog. With blogs becoming big businesses, there is a growing need for better security and protection.

After all, protecting your blog business means protecting your source of income. So, what is the best way to protect your online blog business? Here are the tips and tricks that will answer that question.

Secure Hosting as a Start

Not all web hosting services have good security. When you use a shared hosting service that doesn’t really separate users on the server, for instance, the safety of your blog depends on hundreds of other service users. An infected blog on the same server can potentially infect other sites. This clearly makes maintaining the security of your blogs more difficult.

When you have several blogs that generate revenue, investing in a VPS or a managed VPS is a good idea. You can have the entire virtual server to yourself. You also have the option to be more meticulous with how the server is set up, particularly when it comes to the server’s security. Adding additional measures complete the set.

Protecting the Endpoint

Another attack surface to focus on is, well, your computer. Any computer you use to access your blogs and the server that hosts them has the potential of making the entire ecosystem vulnerable. It only takes malware to steal your server password; when that happens, all of your blogs are rendered vulnerable.

Protecting your computer isn’t something you can do with antivirus software. Not anymore, at least. Cyberattacks, malware, and other security threats are getting more advanced, which is why you need a more holistic solution to fully protect your devices.

Solutions like McAfee Endpoint Security see endpoint security from that (much-needed) holistic point of view. One software solution lets you get all of the security measures you need for maximum protection. Aside from an up-to-date antivirus and antimalware, you also get AI-based attack detection, breach prevention, web security, and an integrated firewall.

Backups Are Still Needed

Protecting the server and the terminal you use to access it allows you to protect your blog business, but there is one additional measure to integrate for maximum protection: easy disaster recovery. Even with the best security measures, it is still necessary to prepare for that time when your blog is breached.

Being able to recover from a catastrophic attack quickly is a huge plus, so make sure you add a backup routine as an added measure. Backing up your sites regularly and storing backup images in different locations will help you recover from any type of attack quickly and without hassle.

The combination of these three elements provides basic coverage from most attacks. You can protect your blog business with these security measures in place. Once the basics are covered, you can review other, more advanced security measures such as a secure proxy and a load balancer, both of which will protect you from attacks such as a Denial of Service attack.