Planning & Management

New Equipment and Machinery: The Top Employee Training Techniques


Training new employees can be a daunting task for many businesses. Sometimes, they don’t have a complete training program; other times, they just don’t know exactly how to use the training programs they do have.

The problem is that proper training is one of the most important ways to get the most out of employees for longer periods of time. Well-trained employees are also happier knowing that they are completely competent at their job. Whether you’re company has trouble training new employees from the start, or if they just don’t have the proper training program down for teaching new equipment, here are a few pointers that can help.

Hire the Right People

A good training program begins with the hiring of the right people. Everyone isn’t cut out for every position in a business — some people make better managers, other make better workers — and you need to understand which person will shine where.

This can be difficult, but there are some basic things to look for when hiring. You want to hire someone who seems eager to work with you: it’s very difficult find someone who cares about your company from the outset, so this is a head start. Also, look for someone who is eager to learn. Every job in your company has a learning curve, and someone who looks forward to learning will be easier to train. And, as odd as it may sound, hire someone who is not exactly like you. This will help bring in new ideas and perspectives that may be able to help the company in the long run.

Finally, look for someone who is willing to take responsibility. This is a crucial trait that can sometimes be hard to come by, so when you find someone who possess it, jump at the opportunity to hire them. The training will be much easier.

Have Experts on Hand

Anytime you are training someone, you need to make sure that the person doing the training is the most knowledgeable person you have in that field. Learning new things — especially new pieces of equipment — can be a challenge, so having an expert can eliminate the many misunderstanding that can arise during training.

For example, if you are training someone on new powder coating equipment, like this from Reliant Finishing Systems, it will pay to have someone who has used the machine for years to show them the ropes. New machines are often complicated and can have many steps for operation that can be a challenge to learn. With an expert nearby, you can have them really drill down into the proper way the machine should be run, including the safety concerns and any insight they may have gained by using the machine over the years.

Make it Interesting

Whenever you train anybody on anything, you want to make sure that their full attention is on the task at hand at all times. This will ensure that the proper messages are getting through to them and that you will not waste time by having to repeat simple steps. The best way to do this is to keep the training interesting.

You don’t want to drone on or lecture the trainee. You want to engage them so that they feel like they are a part of the process, which will, in turn, make them want to know more. You can also use humor when training. It’s very difficult for people not to pay attention when they can laugh during a situation.

Always avoid long-winded speeches where the trainee doesn’t have anything to respond do. Keep them focused and entertained and they can learn any piece of equipment in time.

Don’t Go Too Fast

People can get “burned out” pretty quickly if you try to cram too much information into a training session. This will make the training less effective and may even force the trainer to stay on simple topics for longer than needed.

Rather, break training sessions into small chunks. Have a short lecture session followed by a hands-on-training moment, followed by a break. This will allow the trainee to process the information more efficiently than if you had a four-hour training session that seemed to blend together. Giving out too much information for too long will have a negative effect on your training sessions, so always mix it up and look for ways to keep the training session moving at a nice pace.

Training can be difficult, but remember these few tips and you can make each training session more effective.

About the Author:

Kiera Vincent works as a business consultant. With a number of years experience under his belt he is knowledgeable in a range of business needs whether marketing, recruitment, or money management.

By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.