Planning & Management

If Money Were No Object What Would You Be Doing?

In December, I attended a two-day workshop on Manifestation and Abundance. It was a small group and part of the class included shifting beliefs and attitudes, especially ones that were beneath the surface, in the subconscious. Those deeper beliefs are harder to recover because they are not readily accessible through conscious thinking.

One of the exercises we worked with was asking ourselves the question, “What is it I really desire to manifest? ”

More money? A thriving business? Great vacations? A new car? Weight reduction? Vibrant health? A soul mate…..?

Imagine releasing the genie from the bottle and and given limitless wishes. WOW.

We broke into partners to support each other in creating our visions for 2009 (and beyond). What I chose to do was to close my eyes and ask my spirit to create my vision rather than to imagine what I thought I wanted. By inviting my spirit to create the picture of my true desires and having my mind step aside, I watched the vision take deeper form as my partner asked me questions. The clearer you are in what you wish to envision the better the Universe understands your desires!

My vision was very exciting. One thing I saw was sitting at a table with a line of people waiting to have me sign my new book. Their comments and feedback were high praises for the book and I could feel the joy of having accomplished what I intended when I wrote it. I can still feel that joy today because I know that the book is already written energetically and this year I will bring it into reality. (Giving myself a nudge on that one!) I also saw myself at peace and happier than I have ever felt in my life. I can still feel that too! It’s wonderfull.

While we visualized (sensed, saw with inner sight) what we desired to manifest, we were asked this question, “Was there any challenge or obstacle that came up in manifesting this desire?” In other words, anything that posed a potential roadblock? If there was, we were then asked, “How were you able to overcome, heal, resolve, transform (whatever word fits) that…….?” Those questions invited us to see what we might create in our future and showed us the path to overcome, heal, transform, resolve…whatever… before it happens. Have you ever looked at something in your past and said, “If I had known then what I know now….”

When you open to your inner wisdom and spirit and shift into a higher state of consciousness, you can develop the ability to tap into answers that affect future creations.

What are some keys to magnetize more good stuff into your life?

Here are a few:

1. Gratitude. Bless everyone and everything even if it is undesired. Look for the blessings and gifts in each experience that invites you to remember who you are. Anger, fear, judgments, resentments create blocks to flow. Genuine gratitude transforms negativity and fears and magnetizes good to us.

2. Embody the qualities of God. Unconditional love with everything and everyone you meet. When you find yourself reacting negatively, ask yourself, “What would love say?” Love is our true nature. Cultivate a loving, compassionate heart and attitude. You’ll see your life blossom.

3. Shift non-serving beliefs and attitudes that create constriction in your life. What you put your attention on, manifests even if is unconscious. Getting to the heart of subconscious beliefs can be tricky because of our conscious mind. Hypnosis and Theta healing are two highly effective modalities to transform beliefs and programs at the subconscious level.

4. Extend a hand to others. The UnitedStates was originally founded on the message of Brotherly Love. If you believe that we are all connected as part of the ONE, as I do, then you know that when we help others, we also receive the gifts. Look for opportunites to be of joyfull service to those who would benefit from your support. What goes around, goes around.

5. Follow your intuition. Listen to the nudges and whispers that come from within. Take time for meditation and spiritual practices that reconnect you to The Divine. The Universe is conspiring in your favor to help you have an abundant and happy life. Bring your instincts and intuition into your business practices.

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