
How to Quit Your Job and Pursue Your Passions Without Burning Bridges

Whether you’re working 9-5 (and trying hard to make a living), an overnight shift, or part-time somewhere, think about how satisfied you are with your job.  Do you have other passions you give more attention to outside of work? Do you ever think about pursuing those passions and turning them into a career one day? It can often be hard to focus on the job you have if you’d rather be doing something else or working in an entirely different field. 

Unfortunately, this is a path many future entrepreneurs and dreamers have to take before launching their own business, product, or idea. Eventually, you may be able to finally cut the cord from your day job and fully commit to your passions. 

When that time comes, it’s important to quit your job the right way. Yes, there is a way to leave your day job without burning bridges. By doing so, you’ll keep relationships that can help you in the future, and you may have more opportunities to help your new business to grow. Your current day job can help you to reach your dreams more than you might expect. 

So, how can you quit your job to pursue your passions, and when should you do it?

Why It’s Important to Leave on a Good Note

Whether you’ve been happy in your job for years and just need to pursue something new or you’ve been unhappy in your career for a while, you should always strive to quit on a positive note. That doesn’t mean you should feel guilty about quitting and being your own boss. It means you should make sure all loose ends are tied up before you leave and remain positive throughout the process. 

Why is it so important? There are a few reasons: 

First, if you’re leaving your current job to go into a similar line of work on your own, you might need some help and advice. If you leave your current employer on a high note, they’ll likely be more willing to give you some direction when you need it. They may even believe in your dream so much that they’ll offer you some resources. 

Networking is also hugely important. No matter what industry you’re going into, you never know who you might be doing business with in the future. If you quit your job suddenly and burn a few bridges, those people likely aren’t going to want to work with you on future endeavors. Furthermore, if you worked for a large company, it can be easy for them to spread the word that working with you is a bad idea. Networking can be very political, but it’s often necessary in order for a new business to get its feet off the ground and be successful. It will help you to develop lasting relationships within the working world. 

Turning Your Side Hustle Into Your Dream Job

Starting a side business while working a full-time job isn’t easy. You can’t let a side gig distract you from your day job. But you can’t let your day job take away your drive for your dream job. How do you make it work? 

It’s all about prioritizing. You have to prioritize your job, your passion, and your downtime. You might think you need to keep your nose against the grindstone 24 hours a day in order to get things done, but it’s very important to make sure you have time for yourself to relax and recharge. Spend time with family and friends, do things you love, and get enough rest. When you take care of yourself, your physical, mental, and emotional health will be in a better place. 

You should also set up some kind of structure to your passion. If you work at it from home, it can be tempting to just focus on it whenever you get a chance. Instead of doing that, try to operate it like a “real” job. Set specific hours each day or a few times a week and dedicate that time solely to your side gig. If possible, set aside a separate space in your home for that business. It’s important to separate your personal life and your side hustle. This will help motivate you to eventually turn it into your full-time gig. 

Use your downtime now to ease the transition for when you eventually make the switch. Devoting some time to doing market research — discovering your unique selling proposition, identifying your marketer profile, and reaching out to potential business partners — will keep you informed about your prospective company’s outlook. This groundwork will prove invaluable when it comes to making wise business decisions and attracting potential investors.

Of course, you can’t ignore your day job. Start small when it comes to your side hustle, and be sure to plan ahead. If your work starts to suffer at your main job, people will notice. Without even realizing it, your lack of motivation and dedication at work could burn bridges and make it difficult for you to keep your job — something you’ll need to do until you’re sure you want to launch your own business full time. 

When Is It Time to Quit? 

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when leaving a job to pursue your passion is doing it too early. It’s easy to be excited about your dreams, but don’t jump the gun before you’re ready. Ask yourself this: How important is it for you to quit? Is your job getting in the way of your passion? Are there people there who are toxic to your mental or emotional health? Are you not able to pursue what you really want to do because of the workload you’re carrying? Weighing the pros and cons of quitting your job will make it easier to determine the right time. 

There are risks to leaving at any juncture, of course. If you’re quitting to start a new business, you run the risk of your passion not working out the way you thought it would. That’s why it’s so important to remain on good terms with the people you work with. 

When you do decide to quit, give them plenty of notice. Explain your reasoning and share your passions with them. Most business owners can appreciate the innovative minds of people who want to branch out on their own. But don’t leave your boss scrambling to find someone to replace you. 

If you’re honest about your career desires, plan ahead to make the transition easy, and maintain positive relationships with the people you worked with, you can successfully leave a job without contention to pursue your dreams and jump into an entirely new career.