Communication Skills Networking

How to networking online?

Before we start to do something new, we check our capabilities and up to that start. Even we wouldn’t be succesfull after that checking process, would be happy and satisfied with what we do or did. However if we do what we love, it generally results successfull.
For entrepreneurs, there are loads of skills that should be checked. One of the most important one –for me its the first- is communication skills.
Communication skills are important cause of patnerships, cooperations and to keep on networking. Those processes make startup more worthy. The point is in Internet age, communication ways changed and while they have some advantages, they have also disadvantages. You can reach e-mails easier than phone numbers. But the problem starts here, e-mails do not give the right sense like your phonecalls. It’s harder to realise if they replied positively or negatively. So even it’s more easier to reach who you want via web, it’s harder to call them in your network.
1. Start with formal e-mail
It’s clear that we generally communicate with our friends on msn or facebook and it goes on daily. So while typing an e-mail, dont think its a usual friend chat, so type more proper –sure not “to whom it may concern”- but it should be formal
2. Show that you respect and follow him
To get attention and get the reply, its better to show you respect, but not like you spoil them, use their articles or experience that you liked. It would also show that you really follow him.
3. Introduce yourself
you are not just a fun of him, you also do something worthy. So introduce yourself with the way he would pay attention, show what you can add value to him. Make him to say “sounds, he knows what he wants”
4. Balance and kindness
While you show that u follow, dont spoil him like you admire, you get him as a goddess. if you spoil so much, he wouldn’t pay attention to your e-mail because he is a usual human too, so exagration would seen not so nice. On the other hand while you introduce yourself, don’t exaggrate yourself and don’t act like you compare yourself with him. This time-by doing this he would think that you are so arrogant. So keep your kindness and keep the balance.
5. Be patient
the ones you want to reach dont have so much time, so they may delay to reply you, they may skip, and also they may forget. Keep your patience, wait for 15 days at least. It doesnt mean he/she doesnt care you, even you can use his gratefulness cause of late reply. =)
If he doesnt reply after 20 days, send another e-mail and start something like this; “i can imagine you might be so busy there” and keep in with your mail the previous mail content to make him more pressed.
6. Don’t miss chances
When he replies and tells you that he is really busy and he can arrange an appointment a month later, dont miss this chance and welcome this offer. But while you welcome this offer, ask something more to keep in touch till you get the appointment date.
by the way if he doesnt reply you at all, dont worry, its his own fault for not being able to manage his time =)

By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.