How-To Guides

How To Increase Conversions On Your Landing Page

It is not easy to rank your pages on the first page because Google loves helpful content more than sales campaigns. But it is no surprise to find landing pages ranking high when you search for an SEO guide. Moreso, if your product will solve someone’s problem, why would it not rank high?

If you want to get more conversions from your landing pages, here are some techniques to give your landing page a boost.

But there’s one thing you should know. It is always easier to triple your conversions than to triple your traffic. This article is about optimizing your landing page to get targeted traffic to your landing page; traffic that converts.

What Should Your Landing Pages Do?

For whichever campaign you are running, create a landing page to push your visitors down the sales funnel. Your landing page should focus the visitor’s attention on your irresistible offer and guide them to click the call-to-action (CTA).

Optimizing Your Landing Page

Analyze Your Landing Page Performance In Detail

While most landing page builders come with analytic tools, you can complement your landing page analytics with Google Analytics. Before introducing any changes to your landing page, study the analysis report.

Look at the page views and the source of traffic. Look at the conversion rate. See the type of users who convert. Why do they convert? These are the ideal buyers you should target.

Also, look at users who leave your landing page without taking any action (bounce rate). Why do they not click the CTA? Are they your ideal buyers? What was the source of this traffic?

All the data you collect from your analytics tools help you strategize.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO helps search engines to find your landing page and serve it to the people looking for your product. It ensures that people actively looking for your product land on your page. They are the easiest to convert.

Your landing page’s search metrics (like click-through rate and organic traffic) show you the keywords with the highest conversions. Use the keywords on your page’s meta description, the headline, and the rest of the page copy. Essentially, do SEO on your landing page like you would your website.

Create A Landing Page For Each Buyer Persona

If you have one landing page for all your audience, try specializing. Create a landing page for each of your buyer personas. For example, if your audience includes work-from-home moms and dads, have one landing page for moms and another for dads. Make sure that the landing page addresses your persona’s specific problem.

Alternatively, use dynamic landing pages to personalize the landing page copy. Dynamic landing pages change the message based on the keywords searched by the user or location or other metrics.

Design Your Landing Page For Conversion

For your visitors to follow through with your Call-to-action, ensure these landing page best practices:

  • Optimize the headline. Use keywords in your headline and highlight the benefit(s) that your visitor will get.
  • Add a subheading that adds more context to the headline.
  • Optimize the page copy. Use the page copy to show that you understand the reader’s pain points. Avoid marketing your business. Since your visitor landed on your page from a marketing campaign, they want to see how your product will solve their problem(s).
  • Use multiple CTAs (that achieve the same goal) If your landing page is longer than a mobile phone page. You can switch the labels for the CTAs with “sign me up,” then a “yes, I’m in,” then a final “send me my copy.”
  • Add social proof to your landing page. Talk about the number of users, show social media mentions, reviews or testimonials.
  • Remove all distractions like unnecessary words that don’t give your prospect any more reason to click your CTA. Also, remove navigation to other pages.
  • Design your landing page to be easy to skim through and get the message in 3 seconds. Keep your design simple, captivating and use colors wisely. Keep the color-blind users in mind.
  • Ensure your landing page looks good on different screens and loads quickly. Keep the mobile phone users in mind. Statistics show that over 50% of website traffic comes from mobile devices.

Introduce Changes, Test Results, Repeat. (A/B Testing)

Introduce a significant change, like rewriting the headline. Then track the landing page’s performance for weeks. Even after achieving your expected results, keep the test running longer. Sometimes flukes fool you into believing that you solved your problem.

You can run multiple tests simultaneously. Just make sure that you are introducing big changes, not small, timid changes. Create plans on the tests to run and your key performance indicators to measure success. Try the following tests:

  • Reduce the landing page copy by 50% or more.
  • Change the Call-To-Action. Try different compelling CTAs.
  • Switch the images.
  • Target different keywords.

Go into landing page marketing with the will to experiment. You gain the highest value from running tests and tracking the results. Your results and user habits will give you insight into how to optimize.

Landing page optimization will never end. You keep doing it over and over because your competitors never sleep. Run your tests, track the results and make big decisions. If your landing page is stuck at a conversion rate of 2%, despite your best efforts, invest in a digital marketing consultant.