How-To Guides

How to Boost SEO for Startups

SEO Perfect Company

The most important thing a startup company can do is efficiently market in a way to introduce themselves and establish their spot in the business world. The most important place to tackle first is the internet.

With newspapers, magazines and just about every other medium you can imagine now located in the vast world wide web, there are strategies that can be put into place to ensure success for a company. The most common, and important, is Search Engine Optimization.

It’s a way of using search engine keyword searches to have a company stick out above the others. Here are some tips on how to make the most of out SEO.

For further Entrepreneurial tips, Tomas Cabrerizo got his start in the business world at a very young age.  This served to feed his drive for success.  He built upon each experience and used to increase his knowledge.  This has led him to several entrepreneurial opportunities.  He has met each one with success.


Some older posts may not have successful at first, but since the information is still available, newer and more successful posts can be linked to these past ones to bring back attention. Just because it has already been posted, doesn’t mean it’s dead and buried.

This will drive more traffic through an entire website instead of just one post, allowing your customers to use your website as a point of reference for multiple subjects. This increases the amount of time that each visitor is on your site, which is taken into consideration by search engines when it comes time to rank relevant topics.


The average person isn’t usually willing to participate in a survey, but even if a small group of visitors do, then this can be vital. With the information that you gather from these surveys are instrumental in establishing your marketing strategy.

Questioning how they found a particular website can be used to retool marketing if they have reached it in a way that wasn’t originally planned. This new information is free and helpful for a company.

While you won’t see an immediate SEO increase, you will in the long term. This is because as more visitors view your site after you have customized it to their needs, the traffic will put you closer to the top in search engines.


Providing a sitemap for a website will ensure that visitors are able to find exactly what they are looking for. Also, search engines will show the most popular links for a website as part of the search result if there is a sitemap established.

The less time a person has to search to find what they are looking for, the more likely they are to return to that site because of the convenience. Not to mention the fact that less time spent searching allows for more time reading on your site.


Often times when news is breaking and people are searching for it through sites like Google, they want the most up to date information. Even if it’s just an article on tips or suggestions for anything, it can still pop up first as it may be the most relevant.

This will shoot a site up the rankings on a search result and can establish a base of viewers that will keep coming back.

In addition, guest bloggers can be a nice way of branching out as there is already a built-in audience with their own blogs. These guests will now draw attention and expertise to the site.

Comment Boards

Having a comment board for each of the pages on a web site will allow customers and readers to submit feedback. It’s similar to a survey but people are more willing to participate. With many actively engaged readers, there is a strong likelihood that they will keep coming back to take part in discussions and view replies their comments may have received.

This can massively increase the amount of time spent on the site and the feedback will boost social scores that are taken into consideration for SEO-based results.

Now that you have some of the most important tools for using SEO, put them to the test for your site and you will see great results.

Thanks to Jenna Smith for supporting the site with this guest post.

By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.