Success Attitude

How Easily Do You Give Up?

When you want something do you really go for it or do you come up with reasons why you can’t have it?

Do you convince yourself that something is impossible before taking one step to find out whether that is true?

And if you do take that first step do you take the next one and then the next?

Working with thousands of people over the past 25+ years I have learned quite a bit about why people do what they do.  And I have learned a lot about my own excuses, fears, and self-sabotage behaviors.

This is the journey we are all on; a journey of liberation from the mind and emotional suffering to align with our soul , our higher self, and the Divine presence within us.

I know some folks never even take that first step because they have already talked themselves into impossibility thinking or feel they are undeserving.

And some people will take that first step and never follow though if they receive no response or think they haven’t heard back.

Follow up is critical. If you want something, you have to be willing to go the distance and do things even if it is uncomfortable.

When I want something badly enough and feel that intuitive guidance to take that next step , I can still get caught up in those old emotional entanglements that can hold me back in fear and questions of self-worth

That a signal for me to stop, take a few deep breaths, bring myself back into the present moment, and call out to the Divine Presence to be with me.

Within a short time, sometimes a few seconds or minutes, I can feel the heaviness lift, my mind clears,  and I feel more connected inside.  Doing the inner work has shown me how to shift from inner chaos to a calm inner center.

Taking action with God by your side is pretty powerfull! Miracles begin to happen that is not solely dependent on your hard work!

When you want something badly enough you have to be willing to put consistent energy into following through. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to have what you are yearning for.

You must be willing to see life though a different lens; one that shows you that perceived obstacles are stepping stones and pathways to your dreams.

You have to be willing to be vulnerable, look and feel silly, make mistakes, or feel scared to create the life of your dreams. It also takes commitment, passion, and tenacity to persevere.

And you must be willing to let go of the thought patterns and beliefs generated by your EGO that keep your separated from the deeper truth of who you really are and the Presence living in you and through you that wants your life to be abundant and happy.

Life is a journey of faith, trust, and courage to boldly go where you have never dared to go before when you know in your heart you must take that next step.

If you have a quick “impossibility’ response and you allow that belief to rule your life, you will continue to miss windows of opportunities that open and close that may end up as regrets.

I know life can get busy, distractions happen, and all sorts of other reasons contribute to things falling through the cracks. We are human!

For example: I schedule reminders into my Outlook email program so I don’t have to keep things in my head. I usually respond to requests within 48 hours so they are off my plate. And when something is really important to me, I am very persistent.

When I was applying for a loan modification for my townhouse, I must have made 25 calls over a 3 month period to get the ball rolling and did everything needed to complete the process. And believe me – some of the actions I needed to take were not fun!

The real question is, “How badly do you want something and what are you willing to do or be to have it?”

Do you believe everything you think?

Do you make assumptions and accept them as truth without challenging your beliefs and conclusions? If you said yes, how often are you wrong?

If you had a negative experience in the past, do you expect the next situation to be a repeat? Watch those self-fulfilling prophecies – you powerfull Creator!

Life calls you to show up and claim what is yours.

Do you hear your call?

Are you listening and following your guidance?

My friend Brent says many people give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens.

Some give up waaay before those five minutes.

Life is meant to be experienced and lived, not witnessed as a spectator.

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