Customer Service

How Businesses Can Connect with Reluctant Customers

Not all customers are enthusiastic. True, some consumers can’t wait to buy a business’s new tech product or to sign up for a new streaming service. However, many businesses have to contend with “reluctant” customers. That is, a number of customers may be good leads for a business, but for whatever reason, they’re reluctant to make a purchase. Indeed, these customers may face financial difficulties or even societal pressures that could prevent them from engaging with a business. Here, we’ll take a closer look at this subject and explain how businesses can win over uncertain customers. 

Identify the Problem

Certain businesses just have a bad reputation simply because of the nature of their industry. For example, it’s reasonable to assume that few people are excited to speak to a divorce attorney. Yet, thousands of people need divorce attorneys and rely on their expertise. As such, it’s imperative for businesses that fit this description to identify why a good lead might not  want to engage with their brand. Once you make this determination, you can move on to the next steps . . .

Address Concerns Directly

In many instances, individuals may be hesitant to spend money on a product or a service because they don’t understand it fully –– or because they have misconceptions about the business. Let’s look at another example: millions of people suffer from foot pain and bunions, yet, relatively few are willing to undergo surgery for tailor’s bunion. That’s because people still wrongly assume that bunion surgery is painful, unnecessary, and expensive. In reality, none of those things are true, but businesses have to address those concerns in order to reach leads who are on the fence. Remember, the more transparent your brand is, the better. 

Don’t Apply Pressure

Hesitant customers are unlikely to respond to “the hard sell.” Rather than trying to browbeat reluctant customers, look to offer them support. Deciding to make certain purchases can prove very difficult for customers in a tense emotional state. So the more you’re able to comfort and reassure them, the more likely you’ll be able to build emotional bonds with them. 

Focus on the Positive

No one ever wants to declare bankruptcy. Or purchase a security system for their home. Or get a prostate exam. Yet, the truth is that there are tangible benefits to all of these purchase decisions. Indeed, some of the things customers are least willing to spend money on may well prove to be the most beneficial to their well-being. Businesses with a high number of reluctant customers should make it a point to focus on these positive outcomes. If at all possible, enlist satisfied former customers to spread your message too. Reluctant customers may be tough to reach, but they’ll listen if you send them the right message!