Success Attitude

Happiness Sucks… When it’s Not Yours: How to Overcome Negative Thoughts and Finally Lay Claim to Your Ultimate Goals

You say you want to be happy, but what have you done about it lately? I constantly hear people say things like, “I’ll be happy when I buy the house of my dreams, get that next promotion, feel better, etc.” Or, “As soon as I find the right man, go on vacation, retire, then I’ll be happy.”
That’s a bunch of crap. These and other stupid statements just like them make your happiness dependant on someone or something else. STOP it. Stop it right now. You’re giving your power to be happy away. You’re constantly in a state of chasing happiness and never ever having it. Here’s my take on happiness – quit chasing it and BE it.
Just be happy. I know, I know … the next thing out of your mouth is, “But Deborah, how can you expect me to be happy with all my financial problems, health issues, relationship upheaval?” Guess what, you can always find an excuse not to be happy. Life is full of things that will get you feeling sad, upset or ticked off. That’s life. Sometimes it sucks … get over it!
You can live in the constant state of pursuing happiness or just find something to be happy about. Sound simple? Maybe too simple, well it’s not.
Here’s the deal. The whole Law of Attraction thing is real. What you say, think, focus on and believe in becomes your reality. Who’s the boss of you anyway? Do you hear those negative thoughts floating around in your head, tearing you down and telling you, “you can’t, you’ll never, what if?” Well guess what? Whether you’re conscious of it or not, you’re listening to those thoughts and they are effectively sabotaging your efforts to get ahead.
Think of it this way. If your clothes are stinky, dirty, too small and make you feel inferior … how long would you wait until you finally did something to get rid of them and find the clothes that reflected who you are or who you aspire to be? If you stay in the ragged clothes, that’s your choice. And, you get to live with the consequences that come with looking like a bum and feeling small and restricted.
It’s the same with your self-defining negative thoughts. You must become restfully aware of these thoughts. You can shred the old and in with the new. Tell the old thoughts to “shut up so you can suit up” for success, growth and happiness. Recognize what’s true and get rid of the rest.
I often hear the same put-downs from my highly intelligent, successful and amazing clients, “I’m not smart enough, I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy of the success I’ve achieved or I feel guilty about my wealth.”
It’s time to make a choice. Stay stuck in the “oh poor me, my life is so bad, I’ll never have what they have” way of thinking (and guess what … you’re right)! Or, find something, anything to be happy about and build on it.
Once you become aware of and identify your stinky, smelly, small thoughts you can upgrade them … just like picking new clothes that better suit you.
It may sound a bit absurd, but you’ve gotta start somewhere. Build the muscle, the habit, the foundation. How would you walk, talk, look, feel, act and dress if you were happy. Be that!
Did you know your logical mind, when teamed up with your creative mind, can accelerate your innovation and success? It’s true, your mind and body do not know the difference between what’s imagined and what is literally experienced. When you visualize the person you aspire to be or the promotion, or whatever it is you crave, you begin to visually rehearse the steps to your success.
So, change your thoughts. A feeling of happiness brings more things to be happy about into your life.
Deborah Dubree is a professional coach, speaker, mentor and founder of ClearEdge a resource for high achievers who want to reach incredible goals – then see how much further they can go. She worked her way up from receptionist to owner of a multi-million-dollar company and can show you how to do the same in your business. If you’re ready to step out and be number
one in your field, sign up to get her free proven success tips today at