
Business Partners Wanted

Businesspundit: It is tough to find good business partners. Starting a company takes a special type of person, and there aren’t many people out there that want to work on something outside of the normal 9-5 workday, let alone do it for free for awhile. On top of all that, you still have to find people that have similar values, interests, and work styles in order for your startup to succeed. I’ve been through quite a few partners over the years – not because they were bad, just because we were a bad fit. A few months ago a company launched that aimed to ease that process –
Partnerup is a fast and effective way to find people like you, looking for the same things. For finding business partners, it is much more efficient than offline networking. So if you are looking for someone to join you as you change the world, check out the site. It could save you a lot of time and trouble.
The Fastest Way to Find Good Business Partners [Businesspundit]