Planning & Management

Business Insight: 3 Things That Are Hurting Your Productivity

Article Contributed by Hannah Whittenly

Every business owner knows that not being productive hurts the entire company. When there isn’t productivity, there are some serious consequences—loss of money, lack of quality, and even the downfall of the company. That is why it’s important for every CEO and manager in the business world to check themselves and their productivity every now and then and make improvements for the betterment of the company. To help you do that, here are three things that you need to watch out for.

Bad Management

Some people might think a good manager is someone who takes command, but being a leader encompasses much more. A good manager is a coach, an empowering figure, and a person who knows how to spotlight an employee’s strengths. In essence, a leader is a people manager.

The problem is that the idea of being a boss can corrupt the person in charge. This could be signaled by many signs such as a leader who enjoys scolding employees rather than dealing with issues constructively. A bad leader seeks to blame rather than take responsibility. This person may hurt productivity and should be replaced. When hiring leaders, hire the ones who will stand up for their teams, are positive individuals, and have great communication skills.


Clutter is a big problem in some companies. You may not think so, but clutter can actually distract the brain, or it could make some people feel hostile about the environment. Both of these issues can hurt your overall productivity. The best thing that you can do is organize some of the clutter in your office. The best method to go about doing this is to get bins, like those that Quantum Storage has, and start making sure that everything has its place. You may even want to label every bin so that things don’t accidentally get put in the wrong place.

Not Considering Health

You might think the health of your employees is not your concern, but the truth is that it benefits you to make sure that your employees are as healthy as possible. A study shows that employees that eat five or more servings of vegetables and fruit a day are 25 percent more likely to be productive. Employees who are given the opportunity to exercise three times a week for at least 30 minutes are likely to be 15 percent more productive as well.

The problem is that most company’s expect their employees to engage in these healthy habits on their own time. Your employees spend a lot of their time with you, so it might be a good idea to promote health wellness in your office. Offer healthy snacks instead of processed foods. Try to get your employees a membership at a local gym or introduce an exercise break at work.

Productivity is not a simple thing to achieve. The first step is to recognize that you are responsible for it just as much as your employees are, so you are definitely heading down the right path.