
Brand Check

Small Business Branding: Consumers are exposed to over 3,000 marketing messages a day. TV spots, radio ads, billboards, logos on t-shirts, packaging labels, coupons in the mail, pop up ads on the internet, kids selling cookies at the door – they are everywhere.
And yet you think the consumers you want to talk to are going to filter through over 3,000 messages a day – just to find yours. And because this task alone is not daunting enough, most businesses decide to make it harder by hiding their messages. If you are not consistent in ALL your marketing materials, you are wasting thousands of dollars and losing potential customers every day.
Here are some questions you should ask yourself to check your brand’s consistency.
– Are you using just one logo? Is it always in the same color?
– Are you consistent with paper stock – color, texture and weight?
– Is the tone of all your communications pieces the same – is it in one voice?
– Does that one voice match the personality and soul of your company?
– Do your sales, recruiting, internal documents, and other communications match your marketing materials?
– Do your ads reflect the same look, feel and voice?
– When you do your radio/TV ads – do you use the same talent for the voice of your company? Is he/she also on your answering system?
Do a Quick Brand Check [Small Business Branding]