Work Life

Become A Possibility Thinker

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

When you consider new ideas or change, do you feel an immediate response of resistance or fear?
Do you have the negative habit of looking at all the reasons why something might be too difficult or impossible to achieve so you can say no?

When we look at life through the narrow viewpoint of fear, we can miss seeing possibilities when we are focused on problems and obstacles.

Instead become a possibility thinker.

Consider something in your life that you want that seems out of reach or impossible. Notice all the reasons and excuses for why you believe something can’t happen. Have you collected evidence to back up that conclusion? In other words, are you looking at the past with the expectation that past experiences ALWAYS repeat? So, why bother dreaming, right?

What if what you desire as impossible were really possible? Perhaps some part of what you desire is currently out of reach and there are some things within your grasp that you might be dismissing because you are negating the whole picture. Ask yourself, “What about this is possible?”

Create a list of all the things that might make having what you want…. possible. Add everything and anything you can think of even if it seems far out. Here’s your opportunity to dream and open your mind to imagine the best possible options and solutions coming to you. In that way, you shift from constricted and limited thinking into a more expansive viewpoint where there is more room thing to flow into your life.

Tune into your inner wisdom, intuition, and instincts to follow those inner nudges that you become aware of that might be showing you the way to bring solutions and opportunities to have more of what you want and less of what you don’t want.

I have found that taking the first step opens the door to the next. Continuing forward one step at a time will move you closer to your dreams and desires. Remember to invite the Universe to work out the “how” and continue to show up by taking action.

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