Success Attitude

Become a “Possibility Dreamer”

2012 is a year for powerfull manifestations that are happening faster and faster.

Staying aware of your thoughts, words and actions have never been more important in consciously creating your reality. And with changes happening in the world, and probably in your own life, it is easy to get caught up in seeing life through a lens of problems and obstacles rather than opportunities and possibilities.

When faced with situations that are challenging, where does your attention go? Do you immediately feel overwhelmed and defeated or energized and excited to play with creative options?

When we look at life through the narrow viewpoint of fear, we can miss seeing possibilities when we are focused on problems and obstacles.

One of the books I keep handy is The Four- Fold Way by Angeles Arrien, PH.D. The author is an anthropologist, author, educator, and corporate consultant. On page 21, she references how self-talk and negative beliefs govern our behavior by citing a conversation between Alice and the queen from Lewis Carroll’s famous book – Through a Looking Glass (Alice in Wonderland).

Angeles remarks that the queen recognizes personal power and takes a no-nonsense approach to “doing what must be done” regardless of any obstacles. She highlights the importance of dreaming the impossible dream in the following excerpt from Alice in Wonderland:

“I can’t believe that!” said Alice

“Can’t you?” the queen said in a pitying tone. “Try again, draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.”

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying.” she said. “One can’t believe impossible things.”

“I daresay you haven’t much practice,” said the queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes, I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

How often do you talk yourself out of believing something is possible?

Do you set the bar low because you fear wishing for too much?

Do you see your life as full of possibilities or problems?

How many dreams have you given up?

Become a possibility dreamer

I’m reminded of an email I received from The daily notes are written as a light-hearted personal message from the Universe to each subscriber.

It said:

” What happens when someone worries? Basically, they think of 100 reasons why something might go wrong. And all of those thoughts then struggle to become things, sometimes overriding their more constructive thoughts. It’s like a train wreck. But that’s the power of worry.

Now, let’s say you want something fantastic to manifest in your life. Have you sat down yet and listed 100 reasons why it might come to you easily, fast, and harmoniously? I think you should.

Today works”  – The Universe

Your invitation to become a welcoming place for your dreams to blossom:

1. Consider something in your life that you want that seems out of reach or impossible. Notice all the reasons and excuses for why you believe something can’t happen. Have you collected evidence to back up that conclusion? In other words, are you looking at the past with the expectation that past experiences ALWAYS repeat? So, why bother dreaming, right?

What if what you desire as impossible were really possible? Perhaps some part of what you desire is currently out of reach and there are some things within your grasp that you might be dismissing because you are negating the whole picture. Ask yourself, “What about this is possible?”

Create a list of all the things that might make having what you want…. possible. Add everything and anything you can think of even if it seems far out. Here’s your opportunity to dream and open your mind to imagine the best possible options and solutions coming to you. In that way, you shift from constricted and limited thinking into a more expansive viewpoint where there is more room thing to flow into your life.

Tune into your inner wisdom, intuition, and instincts to follow those inner nudges that you become aware of that might be showing you the way to bring solutions and opportunities to have more of what you want and less of what you don’t want.

I have found that taking the first step opens the door to the next. Continuing forward one step at a time will move you closer to your dreams and desires. Remember to invite the Universe to work out the “how” and continue to show up by taking action.

2. Make a list of 100 dreams. Suspend judgments about whether they are possible or how you will achieve them. Notice any judgments or resistance that may come up when you allow yourself the freedom to DREAM without engaging in the resistance. Be outrageous. Add dreams of any size – big or small. Have fun with this.

Let your inner child come out and play in creating your dream list. Notice what you learn about who you are and what you want. Use this as a tool to ignite your passions, and joys that will lead you to the next steps in building your business or fulfilling your life!

Come to your Personal Divine as a child and share your dreams. Tell God what makes these dreams important to you with passion and sincerity. Ask for the fulfillment of your dearest dreams and place them in the hands of your Divine. Be willing to trust that all prayers are heard and responded to instantly in ways that support you in the highest way.

* Be an active participant in the unfolding of your dreams. Tune in and follow your guidance when feeling called to action.

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