MindPetals.com: Newsletters, brochures, websites, and even blogs are mediums of communication that reach out to your target market. Without effective ad copy, your market may be oblivious to your message, and it’s one reason why many campaigns simply fail. Knowing who your prospects are is just the first step in reaching out to your new customers, but learning about how to stir their desire and motivation to find you appealing is the necessary element to marketing success. Whether it’s in sales collateral, a newsletter, or a blog post, marketing with emotion needs to be part of your plan.
The first step in choosing your message involves identifying what they really want. Is it status? Vanity? Relief from fear? Increased security? Understanding the basic desires of your customers may require a brainstorming session or two, but the more you can fine-tune your message to appeal to the basic human emotions, the easier it will be to capture their attention. Fear and greed are the most common emotion-stirrers, and are also the themes we see time and time again in mass marketing today. Take a look around and see for yourself which ads stick out from the crowd—in almost all cases, they are presenting a message that is designed to appeal to our most basic desires.
Marketing With Emotion: How to Create a Stir [MindPetals.com]
Author: Pamela Swift
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Home Business Basics
SmallHomeBusinessBlog.com: There are many things to consider when you start a home business. How much time is involved? How do I promote this business? How much money will I have to invest? Lots of things to think about.
Many people believe you can work for thirty minutes per day and make a lot of money. In most cases, this is just not true. Having a truly successful home business requires at least 3-4 hours per day. It is a good idea to make a list of everything you would like to accomplish each day.
As you start your day, I think it is a good idea to ignore your e-mail until all of your work is done for your business that day. Reading e-mail can sometimes get you side tracked for hours at a time.
There are endless ways to promote your business. Online, you can participate in forums and advertise your service and products there. You can start your own blog and invite others to join and comment (also putting your ads there, of course), submit your ads to online newsletters and ezines, and of course, classified ads.
Essentials for Success – Your Home Business [SmallHomeBusinessBlog.com]
Learn Good Customer Service: One of the most important things that you can have as a business owner are good relationships. Good relationships can be very instrumental in the success of a business. There are several different types of relationships that a business owner should be trying to obtain. This article will take a look at three of them that I feel are a must have! These three are: relationships with your existing customers, relationships with potential customers and lastly relationships with other people in your field.
It doesn’t matter if your regular customers are individual people or a business; developing a relationship with them could be the difference between keeping that customer and losing that customer to a competitor offering the same type of products or services that you do. Let them know that you really do appreciate them as a customer on a regular basis. You don’t always have to try to sell them something either, every once in a while send them a postcard or email thanking them for choosing you to do business with on a consistent basis. It might not seem like much;but your customers will appreciate the jester, increasing the chances of them staying one of your loyal customers. Let these individuals be the first ones to hear of your upcoming sale or new product or service that you will be offering soon. Reward them with special discount prices and deals just for them being one of your regulars, it’ll be a well spent investment.
Building Relationships In Business – Why It’s So Important [Learn Good Customer Service]
Easy Pricing Techniques
Startup Students: When pricing your product or service, you should put some thought into the strategy you utilize. Are you going to undercut your competitors? Would you rather target the upper echelon? Maybe you just want to price with the market. It really depends on what you are offering, but here are some different strategies you could employ.
Penetration Pricing
This is when you want to quickly get some traction in your market by offering a lower (and sometime insanely lower) price. Benefits would obviously be the quick market penetration. But be careful, you dont want to undercut yourself out of business!
Skimming Strategy
This is somewhat opposite of penetration pricing. Do you have a relatively new technology that nobody else is offering? Why not “skim” off the customers who are willing to pay more in the beginning. Once demand from the early adopters falls, you can then lower your prices.
Follow The Leader
Sometimes it makes since to just follow the crowd and price your product competitively. Obvious products here would include commodities.
A Pricing Strategy for Everyone [Startup Students]