Work Life

Are You Breaking Agreements With Yourself?


Do you beat yourself up because you say one thing and do another?

Are you feeling out of control?

Is there any area in your life that is out of whack?

Had enough?

To create a different outcome:

1. Be clear that what you say you want is really what you want rather than what you think you should want. Following another person’s dream rarely, if ever, brings long-lasting fulfillment.

2. Explore the beliefs and patterns that are contributing to the situation you are continuing to create. Most of the sabotage we experience comes from subconscious beliefs and patterns that are very difficult to change with our conscious mind. Healing with Theta, hypnosis, EFT and other modalities that work with the subconscious can produce powerfull internal shifts that will raise your quality of life.

3. Have the courage to walk in uncertainty without quitting too soon, feeling frustrated, and disheartened when things don’t manifest according to your picture and plan or move too slowly. Identify the things that keep you excited, inspired, and motivated no matter what is happening in your life. Strong self-care, daily rituals, walks in nature, getting together with loving friends…… Life is an journey not an event. Are you looking for a quick fix or life-long happiness?

4. Build in support and accountability with a friend or colleague who may also want the same support. Hire a coach to cheer you on, provide objectivity, give you a nudge (or a kick in the butt), celebrate your wins, and support you in seeing the fabulous, beautiful, lovable person you are.

5. Make wiser choices with your time and energy. We make choices minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day. One of my favorite books is Debbie Ford’s, “The Right Questions“. She says the choices we make today create our future. Published in 2004, The Right Questions offers brilliant insight and simplicity that provide a solid foundation for making choices that are aligned with your heart and spirit to successfully manifest the life of your dreams.

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