Social Marketing

7 Ways to Boost Your Business’s Social Media Presence

A strong social media presence is necessary to your brand. Through social media platforms you have the ability to reach your target audience and create a level of authority within your industry. As you probably already know, it’s not enough for you to simply create an account. In order to gain authentic followers and really establish a name for business, you must also incorporate strategic marketing strategies.

While some marketing strategies will depend upon the purpose and goal of your business (i.e. whether you’re looking to sell a product, increase your blog following, or just inform the masses), there are some that are commonplace for all businesses. Below are 7 strategies you should incorporate into your business social media accounts to increase your social media presence and improve your brand:

1.  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Thought this concept only applied to your company website? Think again. SEO techniques should be applied to your social media platforms as well. As Savage Global Marketing, a Florida SEO Company states, efficient SEO techniques helps you to reach the top of search engine page results, which ultimately helps your customers find you faster. Start using relevant keywords and phrases into your posts for improved visibility on social media platforms.

2.  Varied Content – When posting content to your social media accounts it should not only be of good quality, but also a good variety. Followers want to be intrigued by what they find or else they will move on to other pages. Adding engaging, informative, and creative content to your social media pages will keep them interested on the regular basis. Switch up your posts by adding articles and videos.

3.  Proper Timing – Timing is everything when posting information. Not many people are glued to their social media accounts 24/7, which means if you want to reach the majority of your target audience, you’re going to need to time your posts efficiently. For instance, if you’re trying to target young adults you might want to post early in the morning (before work), midday (near lunchtime), and in the evening (when work is finished). Entrepreneur gives a table of suggested times to post for each social media platform.

4.  Engage Your Audience – If your target audience simply wanted to read a bunch of information, they’d find your company website. The point of social media is to get “social” with the audience and show them that you can relate to their interests. The best methods for engaging social media users would be to ask questions and also respond to their comments. It lets them know that they’re more than just a dollar sign to your business and helps them to develop a level of trust with your brand.

5.  Use Hashtags – Hashtags(#) are the new thing. While they used to be a method used only Twitter, they are now spotted on all social media platforms. Incorporating these into your posts allows users to easily filter and find your content a lot easier. When using hashtags, you do want to make sure that they make sense and are relevant to the content you’re posting as well as your brand.

6.  Incentives Work Wonders– In order to receive the business of customers you have to be willing to give. Using incentives on social media platforms is a great way to engage followers and get new business. It doesn’t have to cause you to go bankrupt but small prizes, giveaways, or even discounts can go a long way in the eyes of a consumer. Start incorporating incentives into your posts. For example, the first 50 people to like your page will receive a coupon for 10% off their next purchase.

7.  Share Your Social Media Status Everywhere – Just as no one is going to know you have a website without sharing the news, no one is going to know you have a social media account if you don’t spread the word. Try as best you can to make sure that you use social media buttons and links when promoting your business online. This includes on your website, content you create, and any other platforms that you utilize on the web.

Social media is vital marketing platform for businesses of all sizes. It is a free and reliable source that allows you to connect with your target audience in a more personal matter while also growing your business. Start incorporating these seven strategies into your social media campaigns for improved visibility and credibility. Though it may take time for you to figure out how to make these methods work best for your target audience, once you’ve gotten the hang of it you will find that your following increases and with any luck your profits as well.

One reply on “7 Ways to Boost Your Business’s Social Media Presence”

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