Sales & Marketing

4 Tips to Increase Blog Subscribers ASAP

Blogs do a lot of heavy lifting for businesses. Not only can blogs act to boost a website’s visibility, but they can also generate potential leads  directly. Unfortunately, building up an online audience is easier said than done. Most of the time, increasing a blog’s reach will take months –– if not years –– of hard work. However, there are a few things you can do to get more subscribers quickly. Check out our top four tips on the subject here: 

Create Relevant Content

Generally speaking there are two types of content blog writers can produce: evergreen and topical. Evergreen content (like an evergreen tree) is “fresh” year round. It has a long-term appeal and addresses a subject that will always (or almost always) remain relevant. Topical content, on the other hand, addresses a specific idea, event, or problem that has only just occurred and that may not have value in five or ten years’ time. However, businesses that create quality topical content can –– in some instances –– attract a lot of visitors to their site quickly. Striking while the iron is hot can help you establish your business as a leading voice in your industry. So don’t pass up the opportunity to write quality topical content from time to time. 

Make Guest Appearances

One classic way to garner more interest in your business is to invite a guest blogger (or bloggers) to write content for your site. Getting a respected leader in your community to write on your blog can be a great way to quickly attract new visitors. Alternatively, bloggers can also make guest appearances on other websites as well. By writing excellent content for a guest site, you can win over potential new readers to your own site. 

Offer a Promotion

Marketing doesn’t have to be complicated all the time. Rather, if you want to get people to subscribe to your blog, give them a good reason to do so! Running promotions and giveaways for your subscribers will encourage new visitors to check out your content. Just make sure to give away worthwhile prizes. Otherwise, no one will bother to sign up. 

Spread it Far and Wide

It doesn’t matter if you’re writing about solution vs suspension mixtures or advice for real estate agents, you should always share your best blog content on social media and beyond. Many successful companies create newsletters highlighting their blog, and it never hurts to talk about your blog to potential clients. The more your business promotes your blog, the more consumers will view it as a viable resource. Keep that in mind moving forward!