Success Attitude

3 Low Cost Tips to Positively Profit at Work

Article Contributed by Dr. Joey Faucette

The banks aren’t calling to loan you money to grow your business…or start one. So how will you expand in the most profitable manner?

Here are 3 Low Cost Tips to Positively Profit at Work.


Think of business as a discovery mission. Daily you have multiple opportunities to discover more customers, more niches, more problems your business can solve, more…you fill in the blank.

You must invest some time in creating conversations in order to discover.

Ask your best customers, “Who do you know that we can help the way we do you?”

Ask your best clients, “What other _______ problems do you wish we helped you with?”

Starting your conversations with questions that solicit an opinion are very powerful. Everyone has an opinion and loves to share it. Your discovery mission is targeted at “best customers,” i.e., the ones you want more of.

Avoid assuming you know more about what they want than they do. Discover by asking.


The opinions you gather will cluster around themes. You’ll discover common groups of people are referred, usually according to gender, age, season of life, and socioeconomic status. You’ll discover stackpole problems that focus on common challenges.

Pick one combination of people and problem and do something about it. Select an easy one if you want. Or, pick a huge, hairy one. Either way, make a choice and do something.

Your action is targeted at a specific people and problem so you’ll know who to aim at and what to solve. It’s simply a matter of doing something. Of taking the time to plan an action and make it happen.

Yes, it will cost you some time and attention. Yes, it may cost you money.

You will get results from doing something. The question then becomes, “How did it work?”


That’s when you debrief. You ask for feedback. In fact, you can ask for feedback before you ever do it by getting your targeted customer involved. Ask, “How do you think this will work?” or “Look at this postcard and tell me what kind of response it’ll get.”

At least, ask the targeted customer after your actions, “How did that work for your friend?”

Recycle the feedback into your discovery mission and you’re on your way to more profits. Your actions are more strategic. Your debriefing guarantees continuing improvement.

So discover, do, and debrief to positively profit at work! 

About the Author

Dr. Joey Faucette is the #1 Amazon best-selling author of Work Positive in a Negative World (Entrepreneur Press), Work Positive coach, & speaker who helps business professionals increase sales with greater productivity so they leave the office earlier to do what they love with those they love. Discover more at