Success Attitude

How to Tap the Power of Thank You

There may be only one day a year devoted to giving thanks, but expressing thanks year round and doing it well is one of the most profitable business strategies you can have.

Numerous studies reveal that when you thank your customers, they spend more money and tell their friends about the exceptional service and products you deliver, increasing your profits. Volumes chronicle how employee productivity zooms when appreciation is expressed, raising your margins. Vendors go the extra mile to extend credit and deliver “just in time” when they hear gratitude regularly, and keep your cash flowing. Giving thanks works in business.

But you’re already doing more with less and the last thing you want is another item on your to-do list. What are the most effective and efficient ways to express gratitude to these important players in your positive business success?

Start today implementing these 4 tips to develop the profitable habit of saying “Thank you” to your customers, employees, and vendors year-round:

Be specific in your thanks. It’s one thing to say, “I appreciate you. Thanks a lot.” That’s a soap-bubble comment. Pretty while it lasts, but gone in seconds. When you thank them for something specific, that’s Velcro. That’s a thanks they remember because it sticks. You hook your gratitude to something the employee did. For instance, an employee just handled a difficult phone call with a customer really well. Thank them for that specific activity.

Appreciate the process. Target your appreciation at what the person did. Let’s go back to the worker who took the phone call. Avoid telling the employee, “Thanks for helping me keep that customer.” That’s just an outcome that benefits you. Say, “I like how you hung in there when that customer was being difficult. You were really patient and respectful.” The same type of strategy goes for vendors. Give thanks for their doing something that was an extra-mile effort. Recognize the above-and-beyond work.

It’s about them, not you. Showing that you know something about them is incredibly valuable. Connect your gift-giving with life beyond the business walls. If a vendor became a Grandpa, give him a copy of “Goodnight, Moon” to read to the little one. If an employee’s mother died of breast cancer this year, make an end-of -the-year donation to the American Cancer Society in her name. Such intimacy breaks the relationship ice in a transformational, not just transactional, direction which is the game-changing pathway to greater profits.

Go old school with your thanks. In this pixelated world of emails and texts, Facebook and Twitter, the simple and quick act of writing a handwritten expression of gratitude goes a long way. There’s something special today about a handwritten note. I keep a stack of cards and envelopes with me to write thank you notes in flight when returning from a workshop or coaching session. It takes about three minutes per card. You create return business when you take pen in hand and write, “Thank you,” to your customers. Just say, “I know you could do business with others, but you chose us. Thank you! We treasure our relationship.”

Implement these tips, and your business says “Thank you” back to you as you positively increase your profits year-round.

About the Author:

Dr. Joey Faucette is the #1 Amazon best-selling author of Work Positive in a Negative World (Entrepreneur Press), coach, and speaker who helps business professionals increase sales with greater productivity so they can leave the office earlier to do what they love with those they love. Discover more at


How to Build Trust Online As a Startup


Article Contributed by Guy Ascher

Successful businesses have built a certain level of trust between themselves and their customers. That trust played a vital role in propelling them toward their current state of success, but they were not always a trusted company in the eye of their customers. A trust earned should be a trust that is kept, and this is a lesson all new businesses must learn. Startups that are new to a marketplace have a unique challenge of building credibility. It is especially challenging when the business enters a crowded field. We will use this post to discuss how startups can build credibility through a website. 

1. Find and Interact With Your Customers in Social Media 

You may have heard this many times, but your customers are very active on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. You need to go where your customers are hanging out and interacting with each other. Become a member of the social sites and add their symbol to your page. This will allow your customers to know they can connect with you on those platforms. As a startup, being on social media will present you with many opportunities to promote your products, and engage your customers in a discussion about them (the products). An intelligent use of these platforms could see you creating a dialogue with your customers. This will convey to them the level of passion you have about your products and your willingness to use their feedback to meet their needs. Customers are drawn to companies who show that they care beyond making a sale. 

2. Videos 

It is has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. A video is worth just as much and even more for your online business. Use a video to introduce and demonstrate how your products work. This is especially useful for e-commerce web sites, as videos build and enhance trust in many ways. Videos can be used to: 

* Demonstrate how your products work. 

* Give a tour of your bricks-and-mortar store. 

* Provide testimonials.

 * Add a human face to your company or store.

 Your aim is to get the people to feel comfortable with you and you can accomplish this by sharing a bit about you with those who visit your web site. When people are comfortable with you they are more likely to make a purchase. 

3. Emphasize Secure Purchasing 

People are very particular about who they do business with online and rightly so. Ensure that your site facilitates safe transactions. When customers visit web sites such as the website and see the big name brand contact lenses they sell, the next thing they are likely to do is look for a symbol to indicate it is safe for them to conduct a financial transaction with the site. The inclusion of the VeriSign seal on the web page gives the customers this guarantee. Use the Verisign seal or some other reputable trust seals on your web site. It is also best to use it in your search results (or people will not click on your link) and on all your web pages that transactions will be done from.

These are all actionable steps that you can employ immediately to help you build trust and credibility for your startup. 

About the Author

Guy Ascher has been extensively involved as a website marketing consultant. He enjoys sharing his website design tips and insights on various blogs.


Skills the Smart Entrepreneur Should Learn in the 2013 Year


A new year means new opportunities for entrepreneurs around the world. What do you need to know for this year? Well, you need to know how to be better than you were the year before. That’s what being an entrepreneur is all about: constantly moving forward. Smart entrepreneurs know how to develop new skills, as well as hone in old ones. This year, you need to make sure that you’re at the top of your game. Nothing should be overlooked or neglected.

Develop Better People Skills

As an entrepreneur, you encounter people everyday. You need to know how to interact with them in a way to build trust and confidence in you as a person. Only once potential clients trust you will they ever be able to trust your product or service. Spend time studying how to perfect your people skills. Quiet entrepreneurs that keep to themselves may need to speak up more, while loud, “in-your-face” kind of salesmen may need to cut back a bit this year.

Know How to Make a Decision

Ultimately, entrepreneurs are businessmen. Businessmen must know how to make tough decisions. In 2013, put away the Magic 8 Ball and start making the difficult decisions you need to for your company.

Ditch the Napkin and Make a Plan

Many entrepreneurs are notorious for flying by the seat of their pants, so to speak. This year, take time to actually write a business plan and some goals for your business. As you grow, planning is going to be an essential part of your success. Whether you’ve been doing this a month or ten years, you still need to learn new and better ways to plan your business.

Take Some Time Off

This is something that most entrepreneurs never learn. Taking time to disconnect from the business for a while is a foreign idea to people that start their own businesses. However, you need to have time that you can get away from everything and relax your mind. Take friends or a loved one to a nice dinner a couple of times a month, use GOLFZING to plan a weekly game of golf, or simply take an hour every morning for some yoga and meditation. Whatever you decide, disconnect and enjoy it. Your business won’t run away while you’re gone.

Don’t let this year pass you by because you didn’t take the time that you needed to develop new skills and hone in old habits. Entrepreneurs face many difficulties and you need to be able to handle each and everyone that comes your way this year. It may be a good year or it may be a difficult one for your business, but that does not take away your responsibility to get out there and be better. Whether you need to know how to interact better with the people around you or take a vacation and relax while playing on some golf courses in LA, do it. Your career may depend on it.

Starting Up

How to Start a Company With Lower Risk

Article Contributed by Jack Harding

Owning your own business can be very profitable for some. However, not all businesses will succeed and in today’s economy many individuals are fearful of taking the leap and starting a new business of their own. If you are thinking about starting your own business, but have some reservations, there are ways that you can lower the risk of your business failing.

Do Your Research

Before starting a business, research should be done to see if there is a need for the particular product or service that you want to offer. It’s a good idea to see if there are any similar businesses within close proximity. If there is, then you will need to make your business stand out from theirs. You can do this by offering a slightly different product or service or having lower prices than the other businesses. This aspect of starting a company may take months to complete, but it will be worth the time spent because it will help you increase the chances of your business succeeding. The key is to figuring out how to make others want to choose your product or service over the competition’s.

Target Specific Demographics

You should figure out who your target demographic is and make sure that your business will specifically focus on them. Before starting your business think about who would be interested in purchasing what you have to offer. For example, if you are starting a company that specializes in gourmet dog biscuits you should target dog owners instead of the general population. Many businesses fail because they try to target too many demographics at once, instead of focusing on one or two specific demographics who will be the most likely to purchase the product or service.

Successful Marketing

One of the biggest factors that can make or break a business is successful marketing. It doesn’t matter how great your product or service is if no one knows about it. When you are starting your business you should set a significant amount of money aside for marketing. An easy way to market that is budget friendly is the use of promotional postcards. How these work is that you have postcards printed that have pertinent business information on them, including the specific product or service you offer as well as contact information. You should also have an incentive printed on the postcard for potential customers to contact you, such as offering a discount for mentioning a specific word when they visit or contact you. Once these postcards are printed you should send them to those within a 2 mile radius of your business. Also, don’t forget to utilize newspaper ads and social media to spread the word about your business.

Starting a business can be scary for anyone. No matter how knowledgeable you are or how much money you have to start it, there is still a chance it will fail. By utilizing the above tips, you can start your business the right way and increase your chances for your business to become successful.

About the Author

Jack Harding is an independent business researcher. He has recently been focusing on how the rise of new technologies has changed the way people now do business. Visit to learn more about their business model.

Business Ideas

Diverse Maritime Business Opportunities

There is something about the ocean that has been calling to people for centuries. The mystery of what is out there in a completely different world. There is the feeling of freedom that comes with hopping on a boat to go off into the ocean, possibly discovering something new. Whatever it is, some people desire to have the sea be so much a part of their lives that they find ways to make a living from maritime ventures 

Along the coast lines you may find small boats with a few men on them hauling in lobster crates. In a single year the US produced 75 million lbs. of lobsters for retail sales. And though many people think of running a lobster boat as something for people who live in the northern territories, you can find lobster in warmer regions too. The differences being clawed lobsters tend to be northern creatures, and spiny lobster that are found in warmer waters.

Bubba Gump did it and so can you. Running a shrimp boat is a great option for people who like to be out on the waters. There are roughly 3 million tons of shrimp brought in every year. And the typical salary for a shrimp boat captain is around $70,000 but can get as high as $117,000. 

If catching crustaceans isn’t quite your thing then dredging might be. Dredging is where a crane sitting on a ship above the surface water uses a bucket excavator to gather sand and sentiment from below, and transports it to other areas. Reasons for dredging include:

·         Rebuilding coast lines that have been eroded due to weather or other events

·         Building water ways to make them passable for ships and boats

·         In some cases it is used for catching clams and crabs 

Boat towing can make a comfortable living as well. This is a fairly uncomplicated business because it simply involves towing boats that have had trouble in the water or been abandoned. It can be something you start with a little money towing smaller boats and build up to towing bigger boats as you can afford to grow your business. You will have to have the right permits and carry liability insurance, but you can make as little as $50 for small boats close to shore or even charge as much as $1,300 for 24 foot boat within 15 miles of shore. It just depends on how you want to set you rates. 

If you would rather stay dockside there are plenty of business opportunities there as well. With shipping freight and fishing still being big business there is a need for smart, professional dock workers, processors, and businesses. And with a dock management system playing such a crucial role, cutting edge technological services like TerminalSmart can make your job more efficient and productive. 

Working in the maritime industry really offers a lot of choices. You’re not limited to the brutal jobs depicted in The Deadliest Catch and other reality shows. Everything from rugged, physically laborious jobs to smart business solutions is needed. If you like the ocean it can well be worth your while to check out some of these industries to see if there is one for you.

Article contributed by Jenna Smith