Communication Skills

7 Steps Of Communication


Here are 7 steps of communication, if applied, will allow you to develop your communication skills that can make you a master communicator. Communication can be likened to a step by step process of checking if you really understand another person from your point of view.

First, you need to listen and observe for the level of importance of this topic to the person you are speaking to and calibrate to that person’s level of interest. Calibration is so important when communicating, that if you are unable to calibrate or identify whether or not that person is interested, you might just lose that person straight away.

Second, check congruence in communication. What do I mean by congruence? It means that if he says, “Yes.” verbally, he shouldnot be shaking his head, “No.” That is incongruence.

Number three is to identify incongruence in communication. We need to clarify meanings and terminologies used. This is for a simple fact that we need to understand what the other person means exactly.

Number four, we need to confirm those meanings. So, if someone said, “Oh! When you look at me, you appear to be extremely angry.”What you need to do is to confirm, “Oh! How exactly do I look atyou that mean that I am angry?” The confirmation actually gets you the common understanding that both of you need that will propel your communication to the next level.

Number five, explore alternative meanings. What you are doing hereis eliciting a series of counter examples, to see whether thesemeanings fit in with the person’s model of the world.

Number six, offers possibilities. If there are no alternatemeanings, what you might want to do is explore possibilities where one thing could mean something else. This is also known as reframing.

Number seven, summarize your personal experience in communicating with this other person, by starting off and saying, “My experience of you is” and so on. This way, both of you understand each other,and nothing is hidden from each other. It is perfectly honest and direct.

We say that communication is a two way process. This means that communication requires clarity to both parties. Until you understand what I am saying, or until I construct my communicationin a way that makes you understand me, we need to ask questionseven more effectively to reach our win-win outcome. These 7 steps are useful and can be applied anytime we are communicating with another person.

People & Relationships

20 Ways To A Successful Media Interview

Our friend at, Evan Carmichael, alerted us to a really insightful post written by Anthony Mora for his weekly Entrepreneur University feature. Its about having 20 ways to have a successful Media Interview.
Review the following checklist:
1) Review the two or three primary points that you want to get across during the interview.
2) Make sure you’ve checked yourself in a mirror before you go on camera. Is your hair in place? Is your tie crooked? Is your lipstick smeared? Give yourself the basic once-over.
3) Remember, you don’t have to force the information; weave your points into the interview. If you spend your time forcing an issue, it will come out sounding strained and stilted.
4) Relax. You are there to have a conversation. Well, at least you want it to look like a conversation.
5) No slouching. Sit erect.
6) Focus on the interviewer. The camera and crew is part of the furniture as far as you’re concerned.
7) Start off with your most important information. Interviews can be very short. If you don’t lead with what’s important, you may have missed your chance.
8) Breathe. People have a tendency to hold their breath when nervous, which only creates more anxiety. Remember to breathe.
9) Smile. I’ve seen more media opportunities ruined by people who have refused to smile during their interviews. Looking grave does not make you appear more profound, it makes you look dull and somber.
10) Listen. Don’t anticipate questions. Don’t think that you know what the interviewer is asking. Wait until the question is asked and then respond.
Learn more for the rest of the 10 ways now at’s article: 20 Ways To A Successful Media Interview – Entrepreneur University.

Home-Based Business

Ten Ways to Make Blogging Work for Your Business


Blogging is quickly becoming the new favorite for small business marketers. Mainly because of the amazing results they received when they blog regularly. And publicity isn’t the only benefit to blogging. There are many ways that blogging can add merit to your business. In fact,

The Wall Street Journal recently featured The CWAHM blog in an article on how blogging can help small businesses create a buzz for their products and services. The results from this were amazing and prove that blogging truly works:

Here are the top ten ways to use blogs to increase your business revenue.

1. Ad revenue – Offering paid advertising on your blog is one of the easiest ways to see tangible evidence of the benefits of blogging.

2. Link swaps – Swapping links with other like-minded bloggers increases your standing with search engines. One of the biggest blogs available,, recently completed a survey in an attempt to find where bloggers get the most traffic? The overwhelming response? Google at 46%. This shows us how important search engine ranking are. Link swaps are just one way to improve yours.

3. Reviews – Another growing trend online is that of the customer review. People appreciate reading the thoughts of others before they purchase a product. It doesn’t seem to matter how big or small the product, either. Posting reviews of books you’ve read, CDs you love, etc, is a great way to generate traffic for your blog.

4. Free offers – Who doesn’t love a freebie? There are many ways of using freebies to your advantage.You can offer a free ebook when someone signs up for your newsletter is an easy way to build your subscriber base. Many blogs also offer contests for those who post comments or interact in other ways on the blog.

5. Blog tours – Being a part in a blog tour is like being the next stop along the railroad. If set up correctly, the tour will send participants from one blog to the next to read more about whatever topic the tour is covering. I’ve participated in many blog tours for book releases. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to bring new readers to your blog.

6. Networking – It goes without saying that building relationships with people is one of the oldest ways of gaining long-time, loyal customers (or in this case, readers). Taking part in the comments discussion on blogs and forums is a great way to do this. The key, though, is to be authentic. Don’t simply blast places with the link to your blog; take part in the discussion and provide useful information – not just your URL.

7. Directories – Listing your blog in blog directories is probably not the best way to generate traffic, but it can be useful in certain ways. It’s a great way to connect with other like-minded bloggers and possibly generate some link exchanges, etc.

8. Press/Media – Getting media attention can be challenging. One great way to bring your blog to the attention of the media is to send out Press Releases when something newsworthy happens on your site. For instance, when I offered a free e-book on my site for Mother’s Day I put together a press release to announce it to the world.

9. Consistency – Posting on a regular basis is key. Try to find a schedule that works for you and stick to it. Even if you can’t blog every day, work to get posts out there two to three times a week. Most blogging software, including WordPress and Blogger, allow you to set the date and time our post will be published. Utilize tools like this to keep your blog consistently updated with fresh, new content.

10. Updates – Finding ways to keep your readers informed is a sure-fire way to keep them coming back to your blog. There are a quite a few ways of accomplishing this, such as offering a newsletter, setting up a account, and making your RSS feeds easy to find and subscribe to.

Sales & Marketing

Entrepreneur Marketing Advice

This article is by our guest writer Diana Ennen, who is also the Author of Virtual Assistant: The Series, Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA, & The Corel Word Perfect Office Ready Virtual Assistant Solution Pack. She also owns a website:
Marketing your business is essential to its success. You can have the greatest service or the best product, but if you don’t market it and let others know about it, then it’s doubtful that you’ll be very successful. When considering your marketing, you first want to take into account who your clients are, and what your clients might be looking to you to do. To do this, you need to do the following:
1.Know Your Client’s Business: The first step is to know your clients. Do some research so you can have a clear understanding of what your clients’ business is and what they do. What does this business hope to achieve? What are its needs and how can you meet those needs?
What can you do that will allow that client to perform better in business? By knowing your client and finding answers to these questions, you can become an immediate asset to their firm.
2.Offering Clients a Convenience: One of the main conveniences you can offer is that of time. Clients realize that their time is valuable. Anything that will allow your potential clients more freedom with their time is an immediate plus. But you need to be able to show them this in your marketing. Take for example a virtual assisting business, when you market to potential clients letting them know that you will do their correspondence typing, answer their e-mail, handle all their publicity needs and even keep their office running while they travel, they realize they will have the time they need to do the work that often so desperately needs done. They will have the time to draft that pleading or finalize the proposal. For the realtor, when you do their marketing they can see how they would be allowed the freedom to be out there selling.
3.Solving clients’ problems: If you can find a way to solve a client’s problems, then you are able to make your business a valuable asset to them. For example, let’s say they are having problems with their website and getting visitors to it. You can send them a letter addressing specifically how you can bring more visitors and also mention what other advantages you can offer. You become a very valuable asset when you do this. They have a problem they need fixed. You have a solution you can solve that problem. They are eager to talk to you immediately to get their site up and running and not miss out on any more missed revenue from their site being down.
4.Proving Clients with Something Better Than What They Have: In your marketing efforts, make sure to mention anything that might be of interest to your clients to run their business better. For example, you might have Voxwire capabilities. This allows you to do web conferencing. You can offer your clients the convenience of having meetings, classes online, etc. Or perhaps you are an expert at Outlook and e-mail management. You can emphasize how much time you can save them daily when you handle this for them. Also, how much more they can connect to their clients when you organize their contacts with Outlook so they can keep in better touch with them.
These are essential key points to remember in marketing to obtain clients or even to keep those existing ones. Now, it’s also important once you get those clients to keep those clients. To do this, you just provide the best possible service always.
For additional marketing tips, you can look to our articles at for articles on all topics of marketing, as well as other business needs.


BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 70

BIZNESS! Newsletter
Cover Story
Good News For Germaphobes …
Consumers are very conscious of hygiene, and need to feel safe from potential exposure to health risks when outside of their home environments. After washing and drying your hands in a public washroom, how can the washroom door be opened without touching the handle? Sanitgrasp, an small American company based in Atlanta, has a solution that allows the door to be opened by pulling with the forearm…..
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