People & Relationships

20 Ways To A Successful Media Interview

Our friend at, Evan Carmichael, alerted us to a really insightful post written by Anthony Mora for his weekly Entrepreneur University feature. Its about having 20 ways to have a successful Media Interview.
Review the following checklist:
1) Review the two or three primary points that you want to get across during the interview.
2) Make sure you’ve checked yourself in a mirror before you go on camera. Is your hair in place? Is your tie crooked? Is your lipstick smeared? Give yourself the basic once-over.
3) Remember, you don’t have to force the information; weave your points into the interview. If you spend your time forcing an issue, it will come out sounding strained and stilted.
4) Relax. You are there to have a conversation. Well, at least you want it to look like a conversation.
5) No slouching. Sit erect.
6) Focus on the interviewer. The camera and crew is part of the furniture as far as you’re concerned.
7) Start off with your most important information. Interviews can be very short. If you don’t lead with what’s important, you may have missed your chance.
8) Breathe. People have a tendency to hold their breath when nervous, which only creates more anxiety. Remember to breathe.
9) Smile. I’ve seen more media opportunities ruined by people who have refused to smile during their interviews. Looking grave does not make you appear more profound, it makes you look dull and somber.
10) Listen. Don’t anticipate questions. Don’t think that you know what the interviewer is asking. Wait until the question is asked and then respond.
Learn more for the rest of the 10 ways now at’s article: 20 Ways To A Successful Media Interview – Entrepreneur University.

By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.

One reply on “20 Ways To A Successful Media Interview”

IMPECCABLE timing with this post. In the last year, our church has had several media interviews. I immediately sent this to our team. Great advice, thank you!

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