Starting Up

How to Start a Company With Lower Risk

Article Contributed by Jack Harding

Owning your own business can be very profitable for some. However, not all businesses will succeed and in today’s economy many individuals are fearful of taking the leap and starting a new business of their own. If you are thinking about starting your own business, but have some reservations, there are ways that you can lower the risk of your business failing.

Do Your Research

Before starting a business, research should be done to see if there is a need for the particular product or service that you want to offer. It’s a good idea to see if there are any similar businesses within close proximity. If there is, then you will need to make your business stand out from theirs. You can do this by offering a slightly different product or service or having lower prices than the other businesses. This aspect of starting a company may take months to complete, but it will be worth the time spent because it will help you increase the chances of your business succeeding. The key is to figuring out how to make others want to choose your product or service over the competition’s.

Target Specific Demographics

You should figure out who your target demographic is and make sure that your business will specifically focus on them. Before starting your business think about who would be interested in purchasing what you have to offer. For example, if you are starting a company that specializes in gourmet dog biscuits you should target dog owners instead of the general population. Many businesses fail because they try to target too many demographics at once, instead of focusing on one or two specific demographics who will be the most likely to purchase the product or service.

Successful Marketing

One of the biggest factors that can make or break a business is successful marketing. It doesn’t matter how great your product or service is if no one knows about it. When you are starting your business you should set a significant amount of money aside for marketing. An easy way to market that is budget friendly is the use of promotional postcards. How these work is that you have postcards printed that have pertinent business information on them, including the specific product or service you offer as well as contact information. You should also have an incentive printed on the postcard for potential customers to contact you, such as offering a discount for mentioning a specific word when they visit or contact you. Once these postcards are printed you should send them to those within a 2 mile radius of your business. Also, don’t forget to utilize newspaper ads and social media to spread the word about your business.

Starting a business can be scary for anyone. No matter how knowledgeable you are or how much money you have to start it, there is still a chance it will fail. By utilizing the above tips, you can start your business the right way and increase your chances for your business to become successful.

About the Author

Jack Harding is an independent business researcher. He has recently been focusing on how the rise of new technologies has changed the way people now do business. Visit to learn more about their business model.