
BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 51

BIZNESS! Newsletter
Cover Story
Pitch In The Elevator
In business, every entrepreneur needs to have his or her “elevator pitch” ready. Whether you’re networking at a business function, exhibiting at a trade show, trying to raise money, or meeting a prospective client, the first question they’re going to ask is “What do you do?” You’ve got to have a clear, concise way to answer that question — and that’s your “elevator pitch.”…
Continued in BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 51 >>>
Top Stories From
– Bike Dispenser
– SMS Trading Cards
– Consumers’ Search Engine
– Video Email
– Loyalty Through Sustainability
– Interactive Floorplans
Continue reading these top stories in the BIZNESS! Newsletter >>>
Top Stories From
– Serious Franchise Thoughts
– The Importance of a Company’s Culture
– Riches Begin In The Mind
– Better Than The Rest
– Rent a Duck
– How To Thrive as a Small Startup
– From Browse To Buy
Continue reading these top stories in the BIZNESS! Newsletter >>>


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Starting Up

Inspiration To Be Own Boss

inspiration.jpg It’s fascinating to hear other people’s success stories. One of the most interesting parts is learning how successful entrepreneurs got their start and how they overcame challenges and adversity. Did an idea flash in their minds like a lightning bolt? Or was it something that percolated over the years? How did timing play into their launch? Did experience or desperation drive their plan forward?
The common ground all these entrepreneurs shared was financial success and the gratification of creating something larger than themselves. Here are a few excerpts of their experiences:
Rachel Ashwell, founder of Shabby Chic
Ashwell left school at age 16. She separated from her husband in her mid-twenties–with two babies under the age of 2 to support. These circumstances drove Ashwell to take a chance and start a retail business–Shabby Chic.
Julie Clark, founder of The Baby Einstein Company and The Safe Side
Money was never the motivating factor for Clark. A teacher, she founded her first company, Baby Einstein, to provide educational videos for her own babies. Clark grew Baby Einstein into a cultural phenomenon and sold it to The Walt Disney Company for $50 million, using some of the proceeds to launch her newest venture, The Safe Side.
Tomima Edmark, inventor of TopsyTail and founder of and
Edmark was working a corporate job in the late 1980s when she felt she’d hit the glass ceiling. She knew this wasn’t what she wanted to do for the rest of her life so she wrote a book on kissing, sold it to a publisher, and used the proceeds to launch TopsyTail, which became an overnight success and garnered more than $100 million in sales.
What Inspires People to Startup? []


Many Hands Build the Brand

This is an article submitted by Ken Wisnefski. Submit your article! Find out more.
Do you think there is a corner in the world where you can find a computer user who does not know of Microsoft? Is there anyone in the world who looks for information on the Web and has never heard of Google? These names are indelibly ingrained in our brains. Did you ever think of why?
Both companies are world renown. They have molded a brand name that is synonymous with success. Most experts will tell you that you need experience, excellent service/product, ingenuity, and commitment to become a success. These are all ingredients in becoming successful, but more help comes from customers than most think.
You need to provide optimal services or products to become popular with the public. Most celebrated companies will be happy to sell services and products and hope their acclaim continues. Some of the best companies do not realize their satisfied customers can become their most powerful marketing tool.
The customer knows best
It is important to foster a rapport with your customers, regardless of the size of your business. Experts in customer management will tell you that ideally, you want to make the customer-to-business relationship as personal as possible. The dynamic should be comparable to that of a mom and pop shop located in a remote, small town with their second to third generation customers.
How can you inspire this relationship? Listen to your customers. Comprise a customer testimonial page on your Web site. Customer testimonials can be incorporated into newsletters and fliers, but it will be seen by most on your Web site.
Promote testimonials
For most, the customer testimonial page (if there is one) is usually discreetly showcased, accessible through an obscure link somewhere on the bottom of the home page. This is a mistake.
Positive customer feedback needs to be exhibited as strongly as other content on the site. Browsers will come across testimonials and relate to the authors. Those who testified were once like them – looking for a provider of goods/services.
Good testimonials should be completely overt and conspicuous for all to see. Everyone knows that each business will have positive things to say about themselves through their content, but the customers can give unbiased, objective information. This is what a potential customer wants to see – no inside advertising, just the facts.
Building the Brand
Once a business has accumulated and read a large number of testimonials, they can begin to see patterns in responses. What exactly about the products/services is so appealing to the customers? What products/services get the most positive feedback? What (if anything) needs to be improved? What separates the company from the competition? Finding the answer to these questions will begin to shape the image of your brand.
Most companies believe that they choose their brand. They believe the public at large will accept what they are told. There is too much competition for people to be persuaded into accepting something before they have proof of its veracity.
Testimonials can aid in building the brand of your business. A “brand” is about perception and your testimonials are just that – the perception of your customers. Word-of-mouth is the greatest marketing tool imaginable, but costs a business nothing in advertising costs. The investment comes from having an excellent product/service to provide.
The dynamic of the interaction between a business and its customers is the “brand.” If a business has customers that have positive associations towards the business, this equals the “image” of the business. The image is shared by the existing customers and is to be potentially shared by new customers.
Getting Practical
Thus far, it may seem that we have been speaking theoretically, and not about how to come up with a physical brand (logo, slogan).
Working with a graphic designer can ameliorate the process of composing a logo. The logo should originate from the feeling that comes from the customer feedback.
Collect the testimonials and survey them for likenesses. What adjectives are used to describe your business? What analogies or references are made in relation to your business? Is your business prided on speed? Is it prided on efficiency? Is it prided on customer service? Create a symbol based on a conglomeration of the feedback. This will be your logo.
The same process can be used for a slogan. A slogan usually will have something to do with the mission statement or the ideology of the business (Ex: eBay – “The World’s Online Marketplace”), but it can be a combination of this and the relationship with the customers (Wegmans – “Everyday You Get Our Best”). It is best to combine the company’s mission with what it can provide for its public. The choice is yours, but the latter seems to make more of a connection with the customer.
Ken Wisnefski is the president of, a site that specializes in connecting business consumers with qualified vendors from an Approved Vendor Network that provide competitive price quotes for their specific service category.

Finance & Capital

10 Sources Of Startup Funds

Businessknowhow: Why don’t more people start their own business?
If you answered, “lack of funds” you’re right on the money.
In various ways, money – getting enough to start the business and worry about not making enough money to replace the income and benefits from a full-time job – is one of the biggest deterrents to would-be business owners.
Nevertheless hundreds of thousands of individuals start businesses each year. How do they do it? Where do they get the money to get started? Here are ten solutions for startup funding for a micro-sized business. Some are nearly risk-free. Others involve significant financial risk and should be used with caution.
1 – Start part-time.
2 – Start the business from home.
3 – Get advance commitments for work.
4 – Get a part-time job.
5 – Live frugally.
6 – Use a credit card.
7 – Apply for a home equity line of credit.
8 – Apply for business loan.
9 – Ask Your Bank About an SBA-guaranteed loan.
10 – Borrow from family and friends.

Where to Get Money to Start a Business [Businessknowhow]

Starting Up

Get Swimming

swimming.jpg A common small business start-up formula today is to offer a product or service and sell it online. If you are reading this blog chances are that describes your situation now. Perhaps you are a freelancer with skills to sell, or you decided to have a go at selling a product online, maybe through eBay or directly from a website. Maybe you quit your job or downgraded to part time work to have time to start your business, or you even attempted to do both at once – work a job and start a business at the same time.
Whatever the scenario, we all start at the same place – the beginning – and it’s at this point that we begin to take action to drum up business. Once you have something to offer, you brainstorm ideas for how to market what you do and then, finally, you go out there and “get in the face” of your target market.
During the early days you tend to do a lot of work yourself, and until you actually make sales, you are very pro-active (or at least you should be!) at chasing up more work and more sales. Generally, because the pressure to establish cashflow is so great, this stage of your business involves rapid action and you do a lot of activities that move you forward. I call this swimming.
Are You Drowning, Treading Water or Swimming? []