
15 Ways to Digitally Protect Your Business

In today’s digital age, technology reigns supreme, leaving businesses to face an ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks and data breaches. The importance of implementing robust digital protection measures cannot be overstated. Safeguarding sensitive information, preserving customer trust, and ensuring uninterrupted operations are vital to a successful business strategy. This article explores 15 effective ways to protect your business digitally, offering practical tips and solutions to fortify your defenses against the lurking dangers of the online world.

Use strong and unique passwords

Require employees to create complex passwords that are difficult to guess. A strong password includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. It’s equally important to avoid using easily guessable information such as names, birthdates, or common words. Additionally, each account should have a unique password to prevent a breach on one platform from compromising multiple accounts. If many employees log in with the same information, consider resetting passwords every few months to prevent unauthorized access.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide a second form of authentication in addition to their password. The second authentication process can be a code sent to their mobile device, a fingerprint scan, or a physical token. By implementing 2FA, even if an attacker accesses your login information, they would still need the second factor to log in.

Manage software updates

Regularly updating your operating systems, software applications, and plugins is crucial to protect against vulnerabilities. Many updates include security patches to address system weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers. Enabling automatic updates whenever possible ensures that your systems stay up to date without requiring manual intervention.

Install antivirus and anti-malware software

Antivirus and anti-malware software help detect, prevent, and remove malicious software like viruses, worms, and spyware. Ensure you install reputable security software from trusted vendors and regularly update it to ensure protection against the latest threats.

Implement a firewall

A firewall acts as a barrier between your internal network and the external world, monitoring and controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic. Firewalls help block unauthorized access attempts and detect and prevent certain types of malicious activity. Configuring a firewall properly and keeping it up to date is essential to keep your business network protected.

Secure your Wi-Fi network

Unsecured Wi-Fi networks are vulnerable to cybercriminal attacks. Change your administrator passwords on your Wi-Fi router to prevent unauthorized access and use encryption protocols such as WPA2 or WPA3 to encrypt the data transmitted over the network. Additionally, ensure you regularly update your router’s firmware with the latest security fixes.

Regularly back up your data

To prevent data loss, you need to implement a robust data backup strategy. Data loss can result from hardware failures, natural disasters, or cyberattacks, so regularly back up your critical business data and ensure the backups are stored securely, either offsite or in the cloud. Also, test your restoration process to ensure you have reliable backups that can be restored if needed.

Educate and train employees

Human error is a common factor in many security breaches. Your best defense against security attacks is educating your employees. Conduct regular cybersecurity awareness training sessions to inform employees about potential threats, such as phishing attacks, social engineering, and the importance of strong passwords. Fostering a culture of security consciousness, helps employees become your first line of defense against cyber threats.

Restrict user privileges

Grant employees access only to the systems, data, and applications necessary for their roles. Implementing the principle of least privilege (PoLP) ensures that users have the minimum level of access required to perform their job functions. By limiting access rights, you reduce the risk of unauthorized access or accidental misuse of sensitive information. Consider investing in a password manager so you can restrict and authorize access to secure data as needed.

Develop incident response protocols

An incident response plan outlines the steps to take in the event of a security incident or data breach. It should include a clear chain of command, define roles and responsibilities, and provide instructions for containing and mitigating the impact of the incident. Regularly review and update your incident response plan as new threats emerge or your business evolves.

Secure physical access

Physical security is often overlooked, but crucial to protect your digital assets. Control physical access to your premises and sensitive areas within your organization. You can control physical access through access control systems, such as access cards or biometric scanners. Implement video surveillance (CCTV) to monitor entrances, exits, and critical areas. Additionally, limit access to server rooms and critical infrastructure to authorized personnel only.

Monitor and audit systems

Implement logging and monitoring tools to track and identify any unusual or suspicious activity on your network. Collect and analyze logs from various systems, applications, and network devices to detect signs of potential threats or unauthorized access attempts. You should also conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, or policy violations and take appropriate actions to address them.

Encrypt sensitive data

Encryption involves converting data into an unreadable format without the appropriate decryption key. Implement encryption for sensitive data, both when it is stored and when transmitted. Encrypting your sensitive data protects it even if it is accessed or intercepted by unauthorized individuals.

Implement a secure remote work policy

With the increasing popularity of remote work, it’s essential to establish guidelines and policies to ensure secure remote access to your systems and data. Remote work policies may include using virtual private networks (VPNs) to encrypt communications, secure remote desktop protocols, and enforce strong passwords and 2FA for remote access.

Consult a cybersecurity pro

At the very least, you should consult an expert in cybersecurity to protect your business. Consider working with a cybersecurity professional or consultant who can assess your digital security posture, identify vulnerabilities, and help develop a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy tailored to your business needs. They can provide recommendations, assist with implementing security measures, and help you stay updated on the latest threats and best practices.

Protecting your business digitally

Protecting your business in the digital realm is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Cyber threats continue to evolve and pose significant risks to organizations of all sizes. By employing these 15 ways to protect your business digitally, you significantly enhance your security posture and reduce the likelihood of falling victim to malicious activities. Remember, proactive measures such as regular software updates, employee training, robust password management, encryption protocols, and strong network security can go a long way in safeguarding your valuable assets. By prioritizing digital protection, you preserve your business’s integrity and ensure a safer and more secure environment for your employees and customers.

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business

Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a freelance writer who loves to share knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, wellness, and financial tips. During her free time, she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music.

Finance & Capital

10 Reasons Why Bookkeeping is Important for Your Business

Bookkeeping generally involves recording a business’s day-to-day transactions and monitoring its financial records. This process can contribute to the success of businesses of all sizes and across all industries.

If you’re a business owner, it is essential that you make bookkeeping one of your top priorities. The following points illustrate why. They explain how bookkeeping can not only help you avoid costly obstacles but also how it can help to propel the growth of your business as well.

Reason 1: Financial Organization

Many compare bookkeeping to the process of balancing a personal checkbook. This is an apt comparison that serves to distill the value that bookkeeping offers a company.

It is challenging to operate with total confidence in your day-to-day life if you don’t properly manage your money. If you don’t keep your finances organized, you may struggle to pay bills, set a budget, or plan. On the other hand, generally speaking, it is far easier to thrive and get ahead if your finances are in order.

In this way, running a business is quite similar to succeeding in your personal life. Inefficiencies will be far less likely to bog you down if you stay on top of bookkeeping.

Reason 2: Tax Compliance

An accountant may be the professional responsible for ensuring a business complies with all relevant tax laws at a larger organization. However, if your business is somewhat small, a bookkeeper can handle your tax preparation function to ensure that the business is tax compliant.

Be aware that bookkeepers and accountants also tend to rely on each other in critical ways. For example, an accountant’s work often involves analyzing and reviewing the data a bookkeeper gathers. An accountant confirming that a business is complying with tax law will need accurate data from a bookkeeper to draw proper conclusions.

Reason 3: Budgeting and Forecasting

Effective budgeting and forecasting allow a business owner to make informed decisions about everything from whether they can hire more staff to whether they can afford to take out a loan. By tracking the day-to-day finances of an organization, a bookkeeper ensures a business owner has the information they need to set a realistic budget for any project they might wish to undertake, as well as for other regular business functions.

Reason 4: Cash Flow Management

Business owners don’t just need to know how much cash they have (or don’t have) to make smart financial decisions, they also need to know how it comes in, where it comes from, how frequently, and in what volume. Then they also need to know the corresponding cash outflows. Understanding cash flow in this manner can allow a business owner to identify areas where money is being lost when it should not be, as well as potential opportunities for bringing in more cash.

Monitoring cash flow is an essential function of bookkeeping.

Reason 5: Financial Analysis and Decision Making

A bookkeeper’s work often supports many other aspects of a business, from research and development to recruitment. The people who make decisions in these areas typically need to base their decisions on relevant financial data.

Who provides this data? A bookkeeper does. Without bookkeeping, you might not know whether you could afford to invest in developing a new product, expanding a department, and more.

Reason 6: Access to Funding and Investment Opportunities

It’s very common for businesses to rely on outside investors to support their growth. As your business grows, the odds are that you’ll be unable to fund its expansion without outside funding.

When you approach banks or investors, they will require that you provide thorough evidence and documentation indicating they won’t be taking an unreasonable risk by investing in your business and that they’ll likely recoup their investment. This requires providing them with objective and practical information about the financial health and potential of your business.

Again, a bookkeeper can offer this information. Be aware that bookkeeping doesn’t just involve tracking a company’s day-to-day finances and transactions. Often, bookkeepers are also involved in generating reports that summarize a business’ financial state.

Reason 7: Fraud Prevention and Detection

Any business can suffer because someone inside or outside the business attempts to defraud it in some way. One of the most effective ways to identify fraud and guard against it is to monitor a business’s finances for discrepancies. This is inherently a bookkeeping task

Reason 8: Time and Resource Management

Business owners typically have many responsibilities. To operate with maximum efficiency, it is important to simplify and delegate as many tasks as possible or necessary.

This is one more reason why bookkeeping can help you thrive as a business owner. When you hire a bookkeeper to handle your bookkeeping needs, you’ll be able to concentrate more of your bandwidth on the various other duties you may have.

However, if you can’t justify hiring a bookkeeper just yet, you could likely handle your bookkeeping with the help of bookkeeping software, even with minimal experience.

While you’ll have to devote some of your time to bookkeeping tasks if you handle this work yourself instead of hiring someone to do so for you, prioritizing bookkeeping will still free up your time and resources by guarding against financial complications and compromise that could otherwise impede the progress of your business.

Reason 9: Regulatory Compliance

Tax laws aren’t the only rules and regulations a bookkeeper can help you comply with. Depending on your industry, you may need to comply with various other regulations involving your finances.

Bookkeeping can help you in this capacity. As such, bookkeeping will continue to help you save money by guardingagainst fines and other such losses.

Reason 10: Business Growth and Expansion

Bookkeeping allows you to make strategic plans. It uncovers areas where financial losses may be greater than expected. It also tells you when you can afford to spend money, and when you should cut back on spending.

All of these inherent features of bookkeeping play a critical role in the growth of your business. Make bookkeeping a priority, and you’ll be more likely to unleash your business’s full potential.

Bookkeeping: A True Business Necessity

Bookkeeping is an important business function that you should not ignore whether you are the only employee of your business or if there are several. The same applies to whatever industry you operate in, whether you are a businessattorney or a local retail shop. Luckily, taking advantage of the numerous benefits that bookkeeping has to offer doesn’t need to be a challenge. Whether you hire a professional or use bookkeeping software to address this business need on your own, you’ll find that the time and effort you devote to bookkeeping will be beneficial to the business.

Author Bio

Kanayo Okwuraiwe is a business owner and founder of Telligent Marketing LLC, a company that provides various digital marketing services to businesses in select professional industries like legal, real estate, health services, accounting, and others. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

Business Ideas

7 Success-Driving Business Ideas for Startups in 2023

7 Success-Driving Business Ideas for Startups in 2021

The upcoming era is for the ones who like to keep up with technological shifts. As the entire world is becoming a global platform for every business from remote corners of the world, the market has put leaders and startups on the same stage, and competition is becoming fierce. The doors of business opportunities are wide open, and the question is, are you ready?

Business in 2023: Redefine Old Concepts, Go Online!

Easier internet accessibility has lowered the barriers for startups. It has become easier than ever to enter any market and start your own business competing with global brands and famous names. Customers have taken over the center stage, and the competition in the market is cut-throat. 

To continue competing in the market, it is required to bring out fresh business ideas that can provide excellent services and fulfill the desires of customers. The only way to succeed in today’s market is, listen to your clients. Customers are the primary entities deciding whether a business keeps running in the market or not, and they are demanding innovative yet beneficial ideas to take up the stage.

7 Best Business Ideas to Score More Customers Easily in 2023

The upcoming era will experience the power of modern technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more. But if you want your business to survive in the competitive market, following the demands that customers are looking for is necessary.

1. Digital Marketing Consultancy

The internet has given wings to every user as they can access any information from around the world. Most internet users have hiked to 3.4 billion worldwide. It leads most businesses to have an online identity (a website) that promotes their services.

The entire world is competing on a single platform. Hence, the businesses require support from experts who can help them pitch a maximum of potential audiences and help run their operations online. And here, digital marketing comes in. The measures of digital marketing helps a business reach their target audiences by promoting their website and services. 

A digital marketing consultancy can extend its services to client websites by optimizing its website and its content for the best results. Promoting their website using the best practices, starting a digital marketing consultancy helps earn profits if you have thorough experience of working with the same.

2. Website Builder/CMS Expert

As mentioned, websites have become the digital identity of every business. A website is the fundamental identity of a running business over the internet. Bloggers, companies, authorities, and more own a website today. But do they all belong to the technical domain? No. 

It is not necessary to learn to code to start a website. Using the content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Drupal, Wix, and more, it is just a few step processes before you get your website up and running over the internet. And this work can be handled by a CMS expert or a website developer who can craft a website according to clients’ needs.

For CMS experts, coding is an added advantage as it helps in modifying the blocks and understanding the functions easily. If you have little knowledge of the concept of web development, brush up your skills, proceed to advanced coding, and start offering expert assistance to businesses online.

3. Ecommerce Website

Retailers are earning benefits from their stores shifted to online. Ecommerce shopping is becoming trending because of the comfort it offers. Along with eCommerce, on-demand food delivery apps are also trending as it allows people to enjoy delicious meals at their homes. More and more food business owners are taking interest in having a platform for restaurants as it upscale profitability, customer-base and gives great support to their overall business model. 

Starting an eCommerce store is easy in today’s era, where many sellers are looking for similar opportunities and deliverers ready to connect with any online stores. Kickstarting your eCommerce venture with an innovative business plan and focusing on providing the best services, you can run your online store fully-fledged without having to worry much.

4. Online Workshops

Elearning platforms of today are the best sources to find your attendees. If you are skilled and know just the way to teach others the same, online workshops or online courses are the best options for you. Share your knowledge and earn profits by scoring a good number of students following you.

There are many domains of online courses that you can choose. Depending upon your expertise, you can select any. But it is essential to study the competition that you have in a particular domain. If you know how to design the outline of your course to interest the learners, you can surely make money without having to stretch yourself.

5. Freelance Content Writer/Ghostwriter

If you are well versed in playing with words and possess commendable article writing skills, you can turn it into your profession. If you have a background in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you indeed can create SEO-friendly content for websites that help them promote their services over blogs and other publications.

An experienced content writer can easily earn a good sum of money by working with three to four clients and finding them through online job portals that offer freelance work and connect businesses. You can also make use of social media platforms to search for suitable work.

6. Instagram Influencing

We all are aware of the potential of social media. If you have great taste in any particular arena that you can share with others and advise them to get the best, be the influencer for all. What are you waiting for? Click a picture, post it on Instagram, find your followers! But it is not that simple. 

First, determine the domain where you are an expert and can guide others for the same. Are you passionate about your food? Become a food blogger. Are you into trying global beauty brands and experimenting with cosmetics? Be a fashion or beauty blogger. We all know who Kylie Jenner is!

Instagram has become the most excellent source for influencers to reach their audiences. An influencer who has scored a significant amount of followers get approached by the leading businesses to introduce their new line of products or promote their services. And they do pay a handsome amount of money! You can follow your passion and earn profits from promoting their products.

7. Data Analyst

The data has become a crucial factor for businesses. Using machine learning and big data concepts, understanding customer behavior, and generating business insights is possible. Therefore, more and more companies are turning towards it to generate results that can help them increase their profits.

And data analysts are the ones who conduct this research. Using the tools available, a data analyst can check for possible patterns and provide insights that might turn helpful for businesses. And they earn a lot. If you are good at using these tools, and also qualified for the same profession, a data analyst job is just a few clicks away. You can choose to freelance and provide support to businesses.


The definition of doing business is changing. It is not required to gather a group of people to start a business. Instead, a single person can become a profitable entity for himself/herself with the internet empowering them. Choosing the right direction, you can grow your business over time. Following your passion and running your business at the right speed can provide enough leverage.

The online market is all about branding yourself. Know your customers, reach them, and promote your services at your best to run your business successfully.

How-To Guides

How to Offset the Effects of Retirement Brain Drain In Your Business

As a savvy business owner, you know that one of the ultimate keys to your success is the many men and women working behind the scenes every single day. These employees take pride in your company and work as hard as you do to ensure it remains profitable. Without their dedication and general know-how, you’d be a fish out of water. 

For better or worse though, eventually, even the very best employees are going to leave your business. Whether it is for an opportunity to take on more responsibility elsewhere or for retirement after years of faithful employment, it is necessary to plan for the possibility of their departure. Especially in the latter situation, planning accordingly for the retirement of key employees can help reduce the risk of brain drain in your business. 

Brain drain due to retirement can have profound impacts on the efficiency and general workflow in your organization. Understanding the potential risks of brain drain and making a plan to prepare for it can be critical in transitioning new employees into leading roles successfully. 

The Brain Drain Phenomena 

Baby boomers have long been the largest generational cohort in the U.S. workforce, but their numbers are quickly dwindling as many reach retirement age. For many companies, this can mean the loss of a great deal of institutional knowledge that has propelled the company forward for years. Many senior employees are so ingrained in their day-to-day work, neither they nor anyone working alongside them can really explain how much the company will lose without their experience. 

In many situations, the retirement of certain employees can leave a gap large enough that no one can really fill it without years of technical experience. In others, a lack of desire from younger generations to fill positions could be a lasting business problem. Take truck driving as an example; as older men who make up the prime demographic retire, younger generations are not filling those positions. 

The loss of many senior employees can greatly reduce productivity, especially if the position must be filled with a new person with limited experience. It can take years for someone new to learn the ropes and become as productive. For this reason, making a plan for when either you, the company owner, leaves or your long-term employees retire can really benefit your company and prevent brain drain. 

Making a Plan 

One of the best things you can do as a company owner is to come up with a long-term knowledge retention plan early on. This will help transition new employees into important roles and allow employees to knowledge dump on their way out. Doing so can help keep everything running as smoothly as possible. 

It is also beneficial to sit down and have conversations with employees who are likely to retire in the near future. Gain an understanding of where they are with their retirement plans. Although retirement brain drain is certainly a growing phenomena, there are also significant issues of the opposite kind — when older employees have failed to plan for retirement and, therefore, are remaining in positions well past 65

Older employees remaining in positions past normal retirement age can also have numerous negative consequences for your business, long-term. For instance, if you have a good training plan in place, younger employees will be trained and ready to enter these upper-level positions. If older employees refuse to leave in a normal timeframe, the lack of upward mobility can frustrate younger employees and cause them to leave the company — creating another training and knowledge loss expense. 

Combating Brain Drain

So, you’ve talked with your older employees and have a greater sense of when they are likely to retire. This gives you just enough time to put into place a plan for preparing younger employees to step up and take the reins in a, hopefully, seamless transition. There are numerous ways to avoid retirement brain drain out there — don’t be afraid to try a couple of options. 

Perhaps the best option is to develop a mentorship program that enables up and coming employees to work alongside older ones. Younger employees can learn the ins and outs of a certain position before becoming fully in charge of it, much like an apprentice learning a trade. Although this is a great way to promote a seamless transition, a mentorship program can be difficult to implement if there is a limited staffing budget and overlapping positions isn’t exactly feasible.

One way around this is to create a knowledge base. Essentially, this is a place where former employees can put how-to guides, tips, and suggestions that can be used like a job manual for newer employees. With the right type of structure and employee buy-in, this can be a great way to compile years of knowledge all in one place. However, it is completely dependent upon the ability of retiring employees to jot down this information in an understandable way and submit it. 

Retiring baby boomers are having and will continue to have a substantial impact on the job market. One of the biggest factors is the loss of institutional knowledge and efficiency. To prepare for this, it is important to communicate with older employees about retirement plans and begin working on a strategy to combat brain drain within your company.  

Business Ideas

The Top 9 Ways To Grow Your Business in 2023

When it comes to marketing, many business owners, entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches and experts get completely overwhelmed with all of the different methods, strategies and ‘blow up your business now’ hacks being promised by endless marketers – and either end up doing a million things poorly, or absolutely nothing at all!

So whilst this article is going to share 9 methods with you – there is strategy to how they may be selected for your business.

Having been in business for 14 years now, I can assure you that the best way to succeed is to have one clear objective (yes, just ONE) for your business each year.

Then use a carefully selected combination of marketing strategies that collectively and individually have the sole purpose of achieving that one, single goal.  

The one goal you choose will be unique to you, but it must be something very measurable


  • X number of students in your online course(s)
  • X number of members in your membership program
  • X number of clients for a particular service

Note that I don’t have a monetary figure there – that’s because it’s better to:

  1. First come up with your financial target for 2020, 
  2. THEN work out how many customers you need in order to reach that financial figure
  3. Then work out how many customers you will need to get per month, per week and per day in order to meet that target

From here, your marketing activities become simple, because no matter how many or how few marketing methods you choose to take on, they all have ONE clear purpose with measurable markers.  

Eg, if your goal is to get X number of members in your membership program and you select the following marketing channels:

  • You will use Social media to connect with your audience, build relationships > lead them to become paid members
  • You will use your Website for establishing your credibility, sharing valuable information, encouraging visitors to join email list > and ultimately to sign up to your paid membership
  • You will use Emails to build familiarity and trust, establish a relationship, share valuable content > and to ultimately become paying members
  • You will use YouTube to give tasters of your content, build familiarity, build a following > and ultimately encourage them to become paying members
  • You will use Books to establish your expert credibility, get targeted customers > become members

There are endless examples – but you get the picture!

ONE goal – as many strategies as you want to use, but all with that ONE single mission at the centre.

So, what is your ONE BIG GOAL FOR 2023? (share in the comments below!)

9 Ways To Grow Your Business in 2023 

  1. Create an Online Course

Online courses have a huge array of benefits for any business and expert, and are highly versatile to meet certain functions in your business.

Not only do online courses immediately provide an additional income stream into your business as soon as you publish one, it’s passive income too!

Another excellent use for an online course is to build your email list, by using them as lead magnets.

If you have a smartphone and an internet connection, you already have enough to create a basic lead magnet course without any extra expense or complex tech.  

Simply record your top 5 tips in your area of expertise in 5 short videos, and use that as mini lead magnet course that you can deliver to your prospects by email when they sign up to your list.  

And that’s not ALL online courses can do!  

A lead magnet mini course is only ONE type of course that you can create to grow your business and your bottom line!

Did you know that there are FIVE different types of online course that you can create – all of which have extremely powerful, but quite different benefits for the course creator?

Before you get started on creating your online courses, it is critical that you know which of the 5 types is best for you and your business so that it helps you quickly achieve your goals.

I have created a quick quiz to help you identify exactly which one is right for you – and as soon as you complete the quiz you will be sent an email with your results and a full description of all of the 5 types of online course too.


2. Video and Live Streaming

According to recent research by CISCO, video content is and will remain the number 1 form of consumed content on the internet.

The report states that videos “will continue to be in the range of 80-90% of total IP traffic. Globally, IP video traffic will account for 82 percent of traffic by 2022”.  

This is absolutely huge and backs up the point that I have been hammering into edupreneurs for years – YOU MUST be creating and publishing videos if you want to have any influence or impact in your market.  

To take it up one notch further – there has also been published research stating that people watch live videos for over 3 times longer than they watch a pre-recorded video. 

With live streaming capability now available on YouTube (once you hit 1,000 subscribers), LinkedInFacebook and more, it’s easier than ever to reach huge numbers of people from your mobile phone to theirs, with the click of a single button.   

But it’s not just any old videos that are trending.  

The past few years have been insanely hot for educational, information and how-to videos. Research by Curata, sited in a Forbes article shows that tutorial videos and demonstration videos account for the most popular videos on the internet! 

Further – live videos get you exceptional reach and maximum relationship-building opportunity.  There is nothing more ‘real’ than somebody who is live.

My ‘30 Days 30 Tips Challenge’ has been designed to help you grow your expert profile using live videos.  This challenge is currently FREE, so do go and check it out!

How to make the most out of video in 2023:

  1. Find 52 questions that your audience are asking, and answer each one in individual videos.  
  2. Record them all in a couple of days worth of filming, then mass upload them to YouTube using the ‘scheduled publish’ option.  

With only a couple of days worth of work, you’ll have a video preloaded to release on YouTube every single week for an entire year.

If you need help coming up with video ideas, check out my FREE STUFF:

3. Authoring Print Books and eBooks

According to Author Earnings, over $1 million eBooks are sold every day on Amazon alone.  

Short of gaining exposure to millions of people by having your knowledge and education on the pages of a book, you also gain exceptional industry credibility when you have published work.

I have published 7 books, and without any real marketing (other than an email to my list and some posts on Facebook) I have sold more than 12,000 copies of my books on Amazon Kindle alone.  That doesn’t even count any of my hard copy sales at all.


Although it’s hardly a million dollar income stream, I’ve sold 446 books in 10 countries in the past 90 days, from ONE platform alone, whilst doing absolutely nothing other than the odd share on Facebook (automated of course!)  Not bad, huh?

Now aside from them bringing in enough money to cover my coffee habit via a nice little cheque from Amazon each month, they also serve another, very powerful function for any business owner or expert….

In the front pages of all of my books, I include a link to a free online course which many of my readers take up – thus growing a targeted email list of people who often later invest in my full Edupreneur Academy.

Book sales won’t necessarily make you a millionaire on their own, but they have certainly worked for me in affirming extra credibility, harvesting thousands of targeted customers from one of the biggest marketplaces in the world, and subsequently have them invest in my other products and services.

Imagine getting over 12,000 new eager clients?  What would that do for your business?

The best bit is that becoming a published author is nowhere near as hard as you may imagine – and in fact, I have an online course in my Edupreneur Academy on ‘How To Write and Self-Publish Your Own Print Book and eBook if you’re thinking about tapping into this massive platform of business growth too.

4. Subscriptions and Memberships

Predictable, regular and consistent cash flow is critical for sustainable business and should be a priority for all business owners, experts and edupreneurs.

Selling online courses is a great way to earn a good income, however your sales can be unpredictable from month to month when you’re selling them ‘one-off’.

A trend that grew exponentially in 2017 and that really improved my cash flow, was shifting from selling courses individually, to creating a subscription based business model.

This works excellently when you have more than one online or digital offering, and you bundle them all up and offer them up for a monthly fee – which is a no-brainer cheaper option for the subscriber than paying for each item in the ‘package’ individually; and thus is the incentive for them.

A lot of entrepreneurs and business owners baulk at this idea at first “but discounting my stuff devalues it! I’ll lose money!”.

You HAVE to see memberships through a different lens – it’s a different income stream, even though it comprises the same content.

You see, lots of small sales, make a big income; and customers who can see that they are getting insane amounts of value for money become your raving fans, stick around for ages and tell their friends to join too.

Not convinced?  

Look how easy it is to earn $10,000 per MONTH in residual income from a simple $47 a month online membership academy….. 

  • 10 students = $470 per month
  • 50 students = $2,350 per month
  • 100 students = $4,700 per month
  • 150 students = $7,050 per month
  • 250 students = $11,750 per month
  • 750 students = $35,250 per month
  • 1,000 students = $47,000 per month

(Note: I am not saying your membership offering should be this price – it’s just an example)

Not so scrappy now, is it?!

How many membership subscribers would you need to achieve your personal passive income goal for 2020?

5. Blogging & Guest Blogging

Blogging is still one of my favourite ways to invest my time to create evergreen marketing collateral and I will definitely be continuing to use blogging as a growth strategy in 2020 and beyond.

The best bit is that blogging is a free and easy, lifelong marketing strategy that you get better and better at the more you do it.

I still get business today from posts I published years ago and without fail, I make some kind of sale from every post I put out each week.

Every time you publish a blog post you are putting out a digital, Google-searchable signpost to the world that points back to your website and ensures that your future customers can find you in Google search results for all of time to come. 

I always liken blog posts and other ‘content’ such as videos, to the silky rings of a spiders web.  Every time you publish a blog, you add another ring to your web. Your web gets bigger and bigger with every new blog, more people can find you and the wider area of ‘capture’ you have.

Blogs never stop working for you and they simultaneously demonstrate your expertise and gather up leads.

To take it to the next level, you can write blogs for other people’s sites.  

Why? Because these sites could have thousands, hundreds of thousands or even MILLIONS of subscribers and YOUR blog article will be put in front of all of them – thus the potential for you to attract lots of brand new fans and followers yourself.

How to make the most of blogging

  1. Ensure that your blog titles are the questions your target audience are typing into Google, then your blog will come up in their search results.  
  2. Search for the top 20 questions that your audience are typing into Google and answer them all in 20 blog posts
  3. Send it out to other blogs first so that they get ‘first publish’
  4. Schedule your blogs to auto-publish on your own website once a week and to auto-email to your mailing list for maximum impact.

Blogging has by far been consistently one of the best investments of my time for the most passive and sustainable rewards.  I highly suggest you consider it as a long term growth strategy for 2020. 

Want to buy my list of email addresses for blog owners and editors?  

I have created a list of 303 international blogs and online magazines in the field of business, entrepreneurship and online education and you can buy it here: >> BUY THE GUEST BLOGGING CONTACT LIST

6. Podcasting & Guest Podcasting

Just like blogging and publishing videos, creating and publishing podcasts is another incredible way to ensure that your prospective customers come across you and your content.

Podcasting has now become an everyday part of many people’s lives, so to ‘be there’ is to ‘be found’.  Although I have admittedly neglected my Course Creators podcast, it still gets new listeners and followers all of the time.


However, the tech and time required to set-up and run a podcast is not everyone’s cup of tea, but never fear, you can still tap into this enormous opportunity another way – by being a guest on other people’s podcasts!

Simply search for podcasts that serve your target audience, and reach out to the podcast owner to ask if they accept guests on their show.

But don’t leave it at that.  

Make sure that you outline a very specific way that you would like to contribute to their podcast as a guest, including what your interview topic could be called, what top 3-5 things you can share or teach their listeners and something you have to offer their audience for free as an extra value contribution.  

This method has got me many podcast interviews and they continue to collect new leads for me constantly.

If you have a podcast that’s looking for guests, I’d be delighted to come on your show – feel free to email me!

7. Digitising traditional products and services

Going online means going from a local market to a global one, instantly.  

I used to limit my face to face workshops to 20 students in a classroom at a time; now I have over 20,000 students enrolled in over 40 of my courses in 146+ countries at any one time (and growing every day) – all because I went ‘digital’.  

And when it came to my curriculum design services, serving my clients depended a lot on me driving into their offices and physically working with their teams in-person.  Now, I offer my course creation services online and have corporate, Government and small business clients all over the world – without leaving my office. You can too.  

Instead of having JUST face to face based offerings, can you ‘digitise’ what you do?

  • Turn common consult content into video tutorials
  • Create an online course
  • Put your topo tips into a published eBook or print book
  • Provide your consultations and coaching online and via video call rather than in-person
  • Offer predefined services for a fixed price that can be delivered remotely
  • Deliver your knowledge via paid or free webinars
  • Produce audio files or audio books
  • Create a digital instruction manual / PDF

Going digital with your offerings doesn’t have to replace your face to face offerings – in fact, once you have digital products and services your face to face options can go up in price.

But by adding a digital version of what you currently do in a traditional manner will scale your customer base to unlimited numbers, along with your bank balance.

8. Mini Challenges

The concept of the short, sharp ‘challenge’, with it’s promise of practical implementation and a quick result, has proven to be a highly successful strategy for me in previous years; and has attracted thousands of new leads and customers into my business.

The 5 day and 30 day challenges to achieve X result, have been the most popular for me – but you can chose whatever number of days you prefer to help your audience attain a certain desired outcome.

If your ‘challenge’ is a 5 day challenge, simply:

  1. Film 5 tutorial videos (one for each day)
  2. Develop a practical task for the challenge participants to complete each day
  3. Add downloadable templates
  4. Make it available by email, messenger bot and as a free online course on your website or learning management system (a delivery style to suit different preferences).  

What challenge could you create to engage, educate and help your clients and prospects get a much desired result for themselves?

If you need some help, why not join my FREE 5 day challenge which will teach you how to create an educational challenge of your own?!

9. Sell packages instead of individual items

People want more for their money, and you probably want more money for your time.

By shifting from an hourly rate service, or a single product sale, instead move to selling packages that include numerous offerings.

Bundle your online courses together to increase your transaction value, add eBooks to your course packages, add a consult to the bundle, templates, checklists and even discount vouchers for other people’s products and services and more.

There is no limit to how creative you can be about what you add in, but increasing the value of your packages does NOT have to mean adding more of your time to it.

Stop working for an hourly rate and instead work for a value transaction that maximises your profit and increases your customer satisfaction.

Even better, create 3 different packages that your customers could choose from (think baby bear, mummy bear and daddy bear, or bronze, silver, gold).

One of my clients managed to increase her hourly rate from $250, to over $1,500 per transaction without increasing her input by a single second, by simply packaging a number of her digital offerings together.

List all of your assets, content, products and services and work out what you can offer together in a much higher value bundle instead of selling everything individually. 

I go into more detail on how to do this in my book “Edupreneur: How To Monetise Your Expertise and Profitably Educate Your Market”.

Final thoughts

The strategies listed above are only a teeny weeny selection of the many strategies out there  – I could write a whole other book just on the various business growth strategies that have worked well for me, but hopefully these will be enough to get your brain ticking for now.

Remember that there is no single method to attract leads and grow your business, and that different strategies work for different businesses.

The best way to know what works best for you is to simply start experimenting.

Challenge yourself to try something new and make your 2023 the best year yet.

If you need some guidance, consider grabbing a 30 day free trial of the Edupreneur Academy where you can access over 30 online courses and books from me that all aim to help you grow your business whilst making a positive contribution to the world.

If you found this article helpful, please give it a share! 

Contributor name: Sarah Cordiner

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