Work Life

You, a Sumo? Really?

The view is perfect. The coffee shop has a buzz that, strangely enough, keeps me focused but the view is what really helps my thought process.There’s a lot of light, traffic and people going by. The truck is blocked and beeping like crazy – the sound drowns out the music and buzz enough to distract me and I catch a glimpse of the animated sumo wrestler on the side of the truck edging slowly through the traffic.

I don’t know what the sumo wrestler is advertising but the image catches my imagination. I’ve always liked watching sumo wrestling, as opposed to other kinds of wrestling that I can’t bear watching.

Something about the solidness of them. The pure power of all that weight, all that strength. It inspires me, despite my general dislike of excess weight and my life long complaint with the extra rolls I constantly try to banish from my body!

It reminds me of that lovely word ‘steadfast’ – how many people do you know (especially ‘online’) who are steadfast. The definition is ‘resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.’

I think it’s a really important characteristic of successful entrepreneurs.

To be unwavering in your commitment –

  • to your art or talent
  • to your customer
  • to your business
  • to yourself

And to be resolute and unwavering about how you take care of each.

It’s so important and speaks of your credibility and your integrity to truly show up for yourself and others.

So how can you be a sumo in your business and your life?
Here are a few suggestions –

  1. Eat, sleep, rest and exercise routinely and well – no skipping meals or skimping on sleep – no waiting until later to take that run or telling yourself you’re too busy for all of the above – you have to take care of you first
  2. Don’t doubt your resolve, build out that vision and keep it alive by revisiting it again and again – fine tune what you want to do in your business and keep striding towards it.
  3. Stay fit. You can’t keep fit by having exercised a lot in the past, it has to be every day. This is the same for your expertise, keep learning, keep reading, hire a mentor or coach, keep growing
  4. Stay strong – you are stronger than you think so stop doubting yourself. If you were in a life threatening situation, you would do your very best to get out alive – well, same for your business and you life – deal with what you need to and keep moving.

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