Home-Based Business

Why You Should Start a Home-Based Information Marketing Business Now

Article Contributed By Robert Skrob
After becoming burned-out as a business consultant who was maxed out on time, I determined that I would never significantly increase my income without taking on additional clients. This meant I had to hire more employees. Realizing that I had neither the time nor energy to make that happen, I looked to the business model many information marketers attribute to their success: Do the work once and get paid many times.
You see, info-marketers have the unique ability to sell products that create recurring income.
Unlike Traditional Businesses, Info-Marketing Business Can Run Without These Three Things:
1. Continuous manual labor
2. Constant interaction with customers
3. Employees – except possibly a virtual assistant
Here’s why.
Info-marketers put a lot of work into creating info-products such as DVDs, books, e-books, CDs, magazines, websites or teleseminars. They do a very good job at creating advertising and marketing programs to support sales. Then, they sit back and make continual profits from these products.
By creating additional similar or complimentary products and services, info-marketers are able to use their existing customer bases to generate more revenue. People who buy information products are much more likely to hire that person to perform additional services such as copywriting.
Quite simply, like other successful info-marketers, having your own published information product makes you the obvious expert. It shows the customer the complexity of the services and the special ability you have to perform them. The only possible conclusion for the buyer is that he should hire you when he needs help with his business or hobby.
What Happens When You Go From Consultant to Info-Marketer
Today, that formerly burned-out business consultant no longer exists. I am now the owner of a successful association management company that provides coaching, marketing, consulting and copywriting services to info-marketers. I am also the co-founder of the Information Marketing Society and author of Start Your Own Information Marketing Business, an easy-to-follow manual that offers steps to building a successful info-business from the ground up. The book features 12 experts in the field of info-marketing who are considered to be some of the most successful in the industry. The group’s compilation of tips is today’s go-to manual for newcomers in the industry who strive to start a successful and lucrative info-marketing business.
The book offers helpful advice such as how to diversify your info-marketing business, and how to turn info-products into money-generating tools that drive million-dollar home businesses.
The info-marketing business is so diverse there is literally something for everyone. Whatever your expertise is regardless of your age or education, if you can name a topic, there is a market for creating an information marketing business. Take action and start your own information marketing business.
Robert Skrob, President of the Information Marketing Association teaches burned-out business owners and consultants how to build 6 and 7 figure income information marketing businesses simply by creating products once and getting paid many times over. Now you can get his FREE Video revealing how 5 info-marketers easily created fast-selling products & how you can too. Get free access now at