Work Life

Why There’s a Breakdown Before the Breakthrough

Have you ever decided you were ready for a big breakthrough and, instead, found yourself in the middle of a big breakdown?

Maybe it looks like this. You’ve decided. You’re finally starting your business or writing your book or launching that new program.

You’ve been getting signs from the Universe that this IS the step to take in order to have that massive breakthrough. You’re excited. You’re committed. And you take that big step.

And, you fall flat on your face.

You struggle to find clients for your new business. Your book writing stalls. Your launch is failure.

What happened? Did you misread the signs? Were you not supposed to move forward after all? Why did your breakthrough turn into a breakdown?

Before you panic and throw in the towel, know this happens to a lot of us. In fact, if you went through my five-part series on why you can’t rush transformation, you already know when you’re in the middle of making big changes, it may get pretty rough.

One of my friends, Lisa Cherney, who is the Juicy Marketing Expert, calls it being in the wormhole. And, really, this breakdown can happen anytime during the transformation process.

So, why does it happen?

Before I can explain that, let’s go back and look at why transformation happens. There is a reason why you’re not taking action right now on your dreams, and it’s likely linked to you not wanting to feel whatever fear-based emotion is coming up when you try and work on your dreams. So, to avoid feeling that fear-based emotion, you avoid working on your dreams.

But, the real question is WHY are you feeling a fear-based emotion, such as fear, anxiety, worry, shame, guilt, grief, anger, resentment, etc. in the first place? 

Well, it likely can be traced back to some sort of wound or past trauma in your life. That wound is somehow linked to your dream or making yourself more of a success than you are.

If that wound is particularly deep, things are likely to get worse before they get better.

And one of the ways that shows up is it looks like you’re doing EVERYTHING right, and it’s still a big failure.

It sucks. It just does.

So, what do you do? Well, unfortunately, the only way out is through. Which means, you just need to keep feeling whatever it is that’s coming up, no matter how awful.

And, take good care of yourself. This is difficult work. Most people aren’t willing to sit in the fire of their emotions and let them move through them.

And, that’s why most people aren’t living their dreams.

I know when you’re in the middle of a breakdown, you certainly feel alone, but you’re not. All successful people have had to face their demons. And, quite honestly, how willing you are to walk through the fire of your emotions and face your shadows is probably the biggest indicator of how successful you’ll become.

Be gentle with yourself. Drink a lot of water, move your body, get plenty of sleep.

And, just know, when you’re on the other side, it will be worth it.

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