Online Business

Tips for Researching a Merchant Account

Many of you are starting up your own business, whether it is an online store or a brick and mortar, you will need a lot of new hardware and software. It is an important thing not to overlook is how your business will accept payments from customers, even in the early stages of the business development. It is crucial that you tailor your credit card processing service according to the specific needs of your business. A merchant account acts as a clearing account for credit and debit card transactions for orders made via the internet and/or a physical location. Now the question is: what do you need to know? Finding a merchant account provider can be tough, although, when you do a little research, you can find one right for your business.

For those that are just ready to open up shop, one way to go is with an independent sales organization. An ISO is a middle-man between your business and a financial institution. Many ISOs charge rates and/or fees for their services, although, it might be worth taking them on to reduce risk for the bank. Some of you have already started your business and want to research different merchant accounts and other possibilities. If you have a good sales history, you should be able to get an account with your own bank or one that concentrates on online sales.

Costing for merchant accounts vary. Most accounts have a fixed rate per month along with transactions (authorization) fees per sale. If you are a store front, there will most likely have extra fees for special transactions, terminal equipment and maintenance. Some merchant accounts have contracts where you are binded with that company for a specific term. The merchant account sector is competitive so just be careful of getting involved in an agreement that may not be best suited for your business structure. Rates are all based off of various assessments of your business, basically what is the risk of taking you on as a client. Some considerations include the products or services you are selling, average charge per sale, your projected monthly sales, what cards you will accept (visa, mastercard, etc) and your credit score.

When researching a credit card processing service, make sure you look for any hidden fees and then summarize the overall cost of the merchant accounts services to make sure it is within your projected budget. You should also inquire some of your own background checks to make sure the merchant service has not been reported by the government or consumer groups (ie. Better Business Bureau). A merchant account is an essential tool for all online businesses and it’s crucial to explore all your options to find the right fit for your new endeavor.

By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.