Work Life

The New Work Revolution – Balanced Lifestyle

management.jpgManagement has always been a fashion horse incorporating the latest ‘new’ inventions. They are dreamt up by business-seeking consultants sweeping away the last lot of expensively-bought solutions. Fortunately, business managers have a good deal of common sense and resist the more outlandish offerings in favour of prudent finance, disciplined control and measured risk-taking.
But management really is changing this time because the people being managed have changed. Their education, aspirations, life expectancy, pension needs and knowledge of the options open to them have all developed dramatically in the last ten years.
The ‘Marketing Era’ of the seventies and eighties gave way to the ‘Balanced Life Style Era’ of the nineties. With the dawn of the new millennium we entered the reality of the long-heralded ‘Global Village Era’. You may applaud it, you may deplore it. It is here to stay.
Impose ‘Global Village’ on ‘Balanced Life Style’ and you get a mighty clash of cultures. In the Global Village we all have to compete as never before for our sales. That means more work. In our Balanced Life Style we want to make work only a part of our lives. We expect family, home, leisure, further education and travel to play their part in creating the ’rounded’ and fulfilled person we all aspire to be. So we want less work. Hence the clash.

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JohnBittlestonPhoto.jpgJohn Bittleston blogs at, a site that provides mentoring for those who wish a change in career or job, wanting to start a business or looking to improve their handling of people (including themselves).

By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.