
The Future of Business Technologies

Nobody can predict the way the IT business will look like in the future. However, based on how things evolved in the recent years and the overall trend of developing breathtaking technologies, some predictions can be made.

There’s no denying that technology and good decisions are the most important factors when it comes to business development, however, what can we really expect in the following years? Here are some thoughts:

Data analysis

You might think this is not such a big thing of the future since this has helped businesses grow since the Internet came around. Well, it’s not the same data analysis as it was in the past. Today we have so many devices and things inter-connected and such a huge amount of data that needs to be analysed.

In fact, predictions are that we’re gathering too much data and we’ll end up drowning in it. We look forward to the future to bring advanced analytical solutions to be able to process the huge volume of data and learn how to use it properly.

Relevant info needs to be extracted from the data we possess and things are already moving in that direction. There’s a certain company that created a software which gives you data-driven suggestions to enhance the performance of your website or blog. Such a thing would cost several thousands of dollars just a few years ago.

Smart machines

Somehow connected with the first point in our discussion, analytics don’t just make businesses grow, they can make machines smarter at the same time. Recent times showed a big increase in artificial intelligence in the business sector and it’s clearly growing bigger and bigger. A very good example in this direction is the product developed by IPSoft that can handle emails, instant message conversations and even emails. This allows other employees to be more focused on creative tasks and develop better strategies for the future.

Another great example of smart tools that are being developed to make our office lives easier and businesses more intelligent is the chat program Slack. Well, it’s not only a chat program as it can do a lot of stuff, almost entirely replacing the email system. Also, it can be integrated with other programs which make it even more powerful. Predictions are that such smart tools along with machines will take 70% out of the workload of the employee.

Interconnected devices

Businesses do not exist only online so we also have to take into consideration how everything will affect the real-life merchants and businesses.  The already emerging technology of 3D printing is already changing the way small and big offline businesses develop. This comes to complete the array of sensors and beacons like RFID and NFC that already play a huge role.

Bottom line is that the speed with which technology evolves makes it very hard to accurately predict what is going to happen and what will be the next big developments when it comes to businesses. However, perhaps the biggest development and the game changer is exactly this increased pace that makes everything else possible.