Online Business Sales & Marketing

Article Marketing: Repurpose Your ONE Article in 3 Easy Steps!


So, you’ve written your ezine article and published it in your ezine – now what? Do you just let it sit there, never to see the light of day again, or do you repurpose it and let it really work for you to grow your list?

I say the latter – repurpose your article and let it build your list!

You know I’m a huge fan of repurposing your material and really leveraging your time, and using your articles in this way is one of the most effective strategies you can implement to build your business and grow your online community, a.k.a. your list.

Today I’d like to share with you 3 easy steps as to how you can take your ONE newsletter article and use it in a variety of different formats to reach more of your ideal clients and customers.

Step 1 – Post it to your blog

After you’ve published your article in your ezine (hint: let your subscribers be the first to read your brand-new articles – one of the perks of signing up to your list!) take your article and post it to your blog. This is a great way to reach a whole new audience to let them know about your ezine, and to reach those people who are subscribed to your RSS feed.

If you also include your Author’s Resource Bio at the end of your blog post you will provide an additional way for your blog readers to sign up to your ezine.

Tip: If you use a blogging platform such as WordPress, this is hosted on your website. Each time you post to your blog you are creating fresh content for your website, which the search engines love!

Step 2 – Link your article to your Social Networking Profile(s)

If you’re active on Facebook and Twitter and other social networking sites, create a link to your newly posted blog article and let your social networks read your article too. Encourage them to also post comments so that you can engage with them on your blog.

If you’re using Facebook, you can set up your profile so that it automatically pulls all blogs posts into your Facebook account each time. This is done via the Notes feature.

And, because you are also driving traffic to your blog via your social networks, this is going to help improve your search engine rankings.

Step 3 – Create a Podcast

Reach those people who prefer to listen rather than to read, and create a podcast episode out of your article. A podcast is simply a digital recording that is made available on the Internet so that people can listen and download the files to their iPod or Mp3 player.
And if you’re using the services of a streaming media company such as BYOAudio creating your podcast becomes a cinch!

The three simple steps that I’ve outlined for you above all work very well on their own to help you repurpose your articles, but if you put them all together into a system then you have the foundations for your online marketing system and these strategies, if implemented regularly, will drive traffic to your website and build your list.

Branding Business Ideas Customer Service How-To Guides Online Business Sales & Marketing

Making the Most of your Online Marketing Efforts

If you’re starting a business right now, marketing can be one of the first efforts to take a hit. After all, why should you market products aggressively to customers who aren’t ready to spend?
Cutting back on marketing efforts right now is actually a pretty risky move- studies show that companies who increased or maintained marketing budgets during lean times are rewarded with more sales as the economy begins to pick back up. According to McGraw-Hill research, companies who increased or did not change marketing budgets during the ’81-’82 recession saw significantly higher sales growth within five years- over twice as much as those companies that chose to cut back.
So how do you design and implement an online interactive marketing strategy on a shoestring budget? What can you save on when contracting for services? Here’s a quick primer on choosing an online marketing company and forming the contract you want- at a price that’s within your budget.
Evaluate your requirements.
Do you already employ online marketing strategies such as email blasts, customer follow-up emails, or search optimization strategies? If you’re already working with an online marketing firm and are unhappy with the services you’re receiving, the price you’re paying, or both, figure out exactly what you need before you switch or begin to negotiate. Do you want to build relationships, increase brand visibility among certain customer groups, or stay in touch with existing clients? Evaluate your needs before choosing- or choosing to stay with- a company: List the services you want and how much you’re willing to pay.
If your current online marketing firm is meeting your needs, you can still negotiate on price. Most of the time, this means contracting for additional services or a longer term- a better deal in the long run if you’re working with a reputable company. You may be able to get discounted services simply by asking, especially if your contract is about to expire. Trying to re-negotiate your existing contract- if you have one- is a step you should take before looking for a new provider.
Use smart bargaining tactics.
If you’ve narrowed down the field of providers to a few worthy contenders, try to negotiate with each to get the best deal for services. Most vendors are a bit more flexible and open to bargaining near the end of the month or the end of a sales quarter. You can ask for more services, an extended agreement, a payment plan, or any other compromise that reduces your out-of-pocket-cost. Up-front payments (retainers) are usually not negotiable- most vendors will require some monetary outlay before beginning work.
Get a written estimate or service quote.
These usually serve as previews for the final contract. It should be specific, but not too specific- it can be a good idea to split projects into phases if you’re using several different strategies. You should have access to all necessary information (graphics, advertising agreements, affiliate information) in the event that you ever decide to use a different company for later efforts. Make sure that you compare several different service quotes to get an idea of the “going rate” for services- this places you in a better position to negotiate.
Make sure you can track efforts.
Make sure you know how results are tracked. Will you be able to monitor key information (web traffic, conversions, etc.) yourself? Make sure you know how results of the marketing strategy will be measured.
Online marketing is one of the most effective methods of sales generation. Make sure you shop around for a company, compare price quotes, and ask for references. A good firm won’t ever “guarantee” a certain search engine result or output, but will be able to accurately track the results of their efforts. Spending on marketing is effectively investing in future sales- make sure you invest wisely.
MerrinMuxlowPhoto.jpgMerrin Muxlow is a writer, yoga instructor, and law student based in San Diego, California. She writes extensively for Resource Nation, a company that provides resources for business owners, and is a frequent contributor to several sites and programs that offer tools for entrepreneurs, including Dell and BizEquity.

Online Business

3 Simple List Building Strategies Explained


In this brand-new article I’m going to share with you three, often over-looked, but very easy, list building strategies that I use and have helped me grow my subscriber list by a whopping 374% this year.

My clients and regulars to my ezine have heard me say many times that the gold in your business starts with the list. Having a list of interested potential clients, who want to know more about you and your services, will provide you with a long-term, successful, business.

And guess what?

When you have a list in place of potential clients who are interested in you, your services and your products they come to you! You don’t have to go out and find clients – they’re right there!

And to achieve this you need to create a List Building System, so that you can continually add people to your list, and have a ready pool of clients who want to buy your products and services.

There are many different strategies that go towards creating your successful list building system, and today I’d like to share with you three free, and often overlooked, list building strategies. And they’re all easy to implement too!

1. Leverage the power of Amazon. I bet you didn’t realize you could use Amazon as a list building strategy! It’s very easy to do. If you have an account there, simply click on Your Profile along the top, and update your profile. Include as much information as you can about you and your business, and include a link back to your website. Then set about:

* Writing book reviews. If you have favorite books that you’ve read and have found invaluable to you in your business, write a review about them. You don’t need to have purchased your book from Amazon to write the review either. Simply find the listing for that book and write your review. The author will appreciate the positive comments, and your profile will be hyperlinked in the book review – giving readers the opportunity to find out more about you!

* Building a Listmania. A listmania is simply a collection of books/audio products that you have found useful and you’ve pulled them altogether in one place, so that anyone looking for books/products on a particular topic can view your listmania to see what you recommend. It saves them having to trawl through the website researching the information themselves!

2. Trade ‘Thank You’ page space. When someone signs up for your newsletter, what does your Thank You page say? I’ll bet it says something like, ‘Thank you for signing up to my newsletter’ – not very inspiring! Instead, use this space to recommend colleague’s newsletters. You could add, ‘Here’s a list of newsletter I find invaluable and I’d like to recommend them to you too’. And better still, ask those colleagues whose newsletter you’re referring to do the same for you! This is known as co-registration (or trading ‘Thank You’ page space), and is a wonderful way to build your list quickly.

3. Use the power of Email Signatures. This is a very simple way to build your list. At the bottom of every email you send out make sure you include a link to your newsletter sign-up page and a snippet of what your free taste is about. The beauty of this strategy is that you never know who your email will get forwarded to, and who will read your email signature and sign up to your list.
Now that I’ve shared with you three simple list building strategies, pick one of them and implement it TODAY! Don’t waste any more time in building your list.


Shattering the “Passive Income” Myth

passive-income.jpgPassive Revenue. The words jumped off the website page and hit me like a thunderbolt! I thought I even heard angels singing. It was the golden idol; the Holy Grail. My heart skipped a beat and went ka-ching!
As a freshly-minted solo entrepreneur, I had never heard two sweeter words. Passive Revenue. Just seeing that glorious expression instantly conjured up images of dollars magically dropping down out of the sky. Like some kind of gift from the Internet gods. Imagine, making money while you sleep! Why didn’t I think of this sooner? It all sounded too good to be true.
So, being a hard-nosed, cynical New Englander with a solid, Protestant Work Ethic, I felt compelled to do the due diligence. I took e-courses, attended teleseminars and read “Multiple Streams of Coaching Income.” I spent thousands (yes, 5 figures!) on coaching, classes, marketing materials and websites. I started building an opt-in list, began a blog, created information products, sent out ezines, wrote articles, and launched joint ventures. I listened to and learned from the finest online marketing gurus. Soon I became an Internet junkie, totally addicted to the concept of passive revenue, and its seductive cousin, multiple streams of income. I was hooked, and there was no turning back.
After a year of education, edification and execution, I felt I had most – if not all – of the puzzle pieces in place: Online shopping cart: Check. Autoresponders: Check. PayPal set up: Check. Squeeze Page: Check. Free offer: Check. Then, I finally went to bed one night thinking, “Well, I’m going to sleep now. Time to make some money!”
So this is the part of the story when I’m supposed to wake up to an in-box full of orders, right? Well, not quite. Sure, there were a few orders, but I was a long way from crashing any servers. While all the pieces may have been in place, this life-long career marketer had forgotten one key ingredient: Marketing. Duh! You would think a former television network marketing and promotion exec would remember that, passive or not, you gotta sell it, baby!
Where’s my passive revenue? What? You mean I need to market these products? I have to promote? I’ve got to make offers, and send out e-mail blasts, and work my list? I gave them a freebie, so why aren’t they pouring into my funnel? Huh? You want me to do teleseminars now? Speaking gigs? Radio interviews? What’s passive about that? That’s not passive. That’s downright…active! What happened to “if you build it, they will come?” Is this “Field of Dreams” or Field of Schemes?
As a newbie entrepreneur, I guess I didn’t know the secret handshake. But I get it now. You didn’t really mean passive revenue, right? Let’s face it. There’s nothing passive about it. Maybe we should call it Work Your Ass Off and Market Relentlessly Income.
I think I understand the concept now. If you want to make money on the Internet, you need to be active. Better yet, make that proactive. If you want those elusive multiple streams of revenue, you’re gonna have to hustle. Every day, in dozens of ways. Be smart. Get creative. Market like you mean it. Don’t “work” your list, build connections. Develop relationships. Sweeten your offers. Give more value. But, above all, get to work! Call it passive revenue if you want. It still sounds pretty cool. But we know what it really takes!

LouBortonePhoto.jpgLou Bortone is an award-winning writer and video producer with over 20 years experience in marketing, branding and promotion. As an online video expert, Lou helps entrepreneurs create video for the web at In addition, Lou works as a freelance writer and professional ghostwriter, with a ghostwriting site at and a blog at