Sales & Marketing

Smarter Business Marketing: Stop Falling Into the Marketing ‘Do Over’ Trap

I recently spent two full days with a Private Platinum Intensive client and discovered something that astonished me. After carefully considering everything she had created or delivered in the past few years it became crystal clear she was sitting on a goldmine she didn’t even know she had.
Not surprising since she, like many of the women entrepreneurs I mentor, have trouble appreciating the value in what they’ve already done. Instead, they think they have to start over, reinventing everything in order to create the income they desire.
If this sounds like you, then let me reassure you: with a few simple tweaks you’ll likely have a fresh, new way of offering your products or services. Trust me, revamping what you have will save you a ton of time, energy and money compared to creating everything from scratch!
So, how do you know if what you’ve already created or delivered is worthy of repurposing?
Here’s a quick checklist of some common ways to repurpose what you already have, giving your brand and your offers a much needed facelift.
1. Turn a Live Teleseminar or Workshop into Your Signature System
My private Platinum Intensive client had been delivering the same teleseminar for years. Problem was, by making herself too available at a fairly low price point she was sabotaging her opportunity to leverage her time into higher-end “Platinum Style” programs.
The solution was simple: Turn the teleseminar into a home study course, offer it to past teleseminar attendees at a special introductory rate, and then launch it to her main list.
This one action frees her up from delivering teleseminars during evening hours when she would rather spend time with her kids. It gives her a signature system info product she can sell from her web site or when speaking, and it instantly boosts the value of her time. She is now charging what she’s worth and working more personally with higher-end clients.
2. Transform Free Teleseminars into Preview Calls to Launch a New Program or Service
More than one of my Platinum clients has been guilty of giving away too much information for free. This hurts the attempt at “positioning” themselves as better appreciated (and better paid!) experts.
Ladies, please don’t think that to fulfill your desire to help others means you have to give your services away!
What works is to apply the principle of leverage, which means wisely using your free calls to fill paid programs. Offering less of you means your clients will want you more at a higher level.
3. Bundle All Your Solo Teleseminars into a Valuable “Collection”
I bet if you look at your online library you’ll see you’ve delivered a wealth of teleseminars, written dozens of articles or taught a variety of classes. One by one, this content may not have significant value but, bundled together, can make a fantastic info product you can sell or use as a bonus with other services.
Here’s a Quick Tip to Get Started Leveraging Your Information into Products or Programs
A simple way to get started is to create an “inventory” of every teleseminar title or program you’ve given (free or paid). Add to it your article titles, workshops and any other seminars you’ve given. Pretty impressive list, isn’t it?
Next, decide how you want to repackage your knowledge. Remember that your goal is to offer less of you at the free or frequently-delivered levels so that your clients will want MORE of you at the more exclusive, higher-paid levels.
About the Author:
Kendall SummerHawk, the Million Dollar Marketing Coach, is an expert at helping women entrepreneurs at all levels design a business they love and charge what they’re worth and get it. Kendall delivers simple ways entrepreneurs can design and price their services to quickly move away from ‘dollars-for-hours work’ and create more money, time and freedom in their businesses. For free articles, free resources and to sign up for a free subscription to Kendall’s Money, Marketing and Soul weekly articles visit

By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.