Online Business

Reasons You Need Your Website Optimised for Mobile

It’s 2018, and by now you have heard that mobile is big. In fact, it’s the bigger than desktop. Mobile is here to stay. With technology getting better and smartphones becoming more accessible, this trend will only get bigger. That means you need your website optimised for mobile. So, why is it must?

We all have a mobile

It’s now at the stage where a significant portion of the world has a smartphone. Access to mobile phones is easier than ever. Statista claim that the number of mobile phone users in the world is expected to pass the five billion mark by 2019. That means the majority of people who are online are on mobile. These numbers are only going to grow.

Mobile drives more traffic 

If you have a website, you want more traffic. Similarweb suggest that mobile now drives 56% of all traffic. Yes, mobile drives more traffic than desktop. It has been that way for many years now. Over half of the traffic on the web is via mobile. You can improve the experience for the majority of your audience just by optimising your site for mobile. Why can’t users just interact with my desktop site via their phones? Mobile users are different to desktop users, leading us to the next point.

Different behaviour

While it’s the same people behind the various devices, people tend to behave differently when using desktop and mobile. It’s common for mobile users to consumer a disproportionally higher amount of visual media. There is a significant focus on images and short videos. Social media sites like Instagram, and formerly vine, gained huge success offering only video and images. Getting this traffic requires a different design that aids these types of media and engages the users.

Different strategy for different landing pages

Your landing page is critical for conversion. Generating online revenue starts with landing pages. Did you know that what works for a desktop landing page may not work for a mobile landing page? There are a set of principles that remain the same, but mobile screens can’t handle the same style of presentation you find on desktop.

If you want your business to take advantage of the small, frequent purchasing behaviour of mobile users; you must create a landing page specific for mobile. There are a few things you need to include on your landing page, five-word headlines, minimalist design, bright button CTA and a quick page-load speed. To bolster your knowledge of IT and strategic management head over to Upskilled for flexible online courses.

Google supports mobile responsiveness

Google like mobile responsiveness. For that reason, they favour a site that is mobile friendly when it comes to rankings. Google is continually updating their algorithms, and now sites that don’t meet their standard for mobile friendliness will incur significant penalties. If you want to improve your mobile traffic, or not lose it, you must optimise for mobile.

Social media referrals are on mobile

Social media continues to grow and evolve, and its place is on mobile. A substantial majority of mobile internet access is used for social media and other social activities. Your business most likely participates in social media marketing; chances are, all the incoming traffic from that social media marketing is on mobile.  Not offering a good user experience can negate your marketing efforts and waste your money. Take full advantage of your marketing budget and create a seamless browsing experience.

Who buys more?

Mobile users spend more compared to desktop users. Mobile users make small but frequent purchases. Smartphone users account for the lowest dollar amount per transaction.  Finally, tablet users have the highest average transaction value of any device.

Mobile users switch screens

It’s thought that almost 90 percent of users will switch device throughout the sales process. Even if a person prefers desktop, at some point throughout the process, they will switch to mobile. Typically, people will function in the reverse order. Start browsing on their mobile device, then move over to the desktop to complete the purchase once they decide on something.  Your site needs to be able to handle everything.

Remember, mobile is the present and future.