Working from home has its benefits, but there are also challenges that come with it as well. This is especially true if you work in something complex like the medical industry, such as The Institute of Natural Health. But by being aware of these challenges, you can work to get around them and better prepare yourself.
If you’re someone who is easily distracted, working from home might prove to be a challenge for you. Your office might have a few distractions in it, but at home, you’ve got to deal with things like the mail being delivered, housework that needs to be done, the television is only a few steps away, kids, noisy neighbors, and more.
There are ways to deal with these, such as noise-canceling headphones and setting yourself up in a room that prevents as many distractions as possible, but it’s still a very real obstacle to overcome.
Collaboration and Communication
Depending on your specific job, you might need to collaborate and communicate with another team of workers, regardless of if they’re at the office or also working from home. Communicating with your team can be a task in itself when you need to hop on video calls with multiple people and wait for them to respond to your messages throughout the day, but you will learn to cope with it.
Logging Off
While some people might have trouble staying focused and getting their work done while working remote, others might have the opposite problem: they just can’t seem to log off at the end of the day. Quitting time comes and you want to finish up what you’re working on so you continue working, only for dinner time to roll around and you’re still cooped up at your desk while the rest of the family talks about their day.
Make a mental note to shut down when it’s time.
Working remotely can get lonely after a while, especially if you are typically used to working in an office full of other employees. You’ve got to get used to being by yourself for long stretches of time, whether that means playing music while you work or listening to a podcast. If you have a pet that can rest next to you without being a distraction, that is another great way to bridge the connection gap.
The Pros
While there are certainly plenty of challenges that you may encounter while working remotely, there are just as many benefits. Having more freedom, no commute, and better hours are only a few of the perks of working remotely, so don’t be afraid to try it out.