My good friend and client Lisa Sasevich is the one who first introduced me to the concept of “committed but not attached.” And the first time I heard it I thought “what on earth is she talking about? That makes no sense.”
You see, if you’re anything like me, you too may have confused what it means to be attached versus committed. And maybe (like me) you actually may be afraid that if you AREN’T attached to the process, you’re somehow letting the process down and opening yourself up to failure.
It’s taking me a long time to sort out being attached versus being committed — when you should be attached versus when you should only be committed — but the more I’ve relaxed being attached, the more I’ve attracted abundance into my life and business.
For myself, what I’ve found works best is being attached to attracting abundance into my life and business, and even getting specific to a certain dollar figure (i.e. I want to make an additional $10K next week). But, what you don’t want to be attached to is the HOW.
The easiest way to explain this is through an example. Let’s say you want to make an additional $10K next week, and let’s say you have a high-end group coaching program that’s costs $5K per person. So, to make an additional $10K next week, you would need to sell 2 clients into your high-end program.
Simple, right? Just focus on getting those two sales. (In other words, you start to get ATTACHED to making those two sales.)
The problem is, the Universe has lots and lots of ways to send you money — maybe instead of high-end programs, you get a bunch of low-end product sales. Or a client who had stopped paying suddenly sends you the rest of what they owe you. Or maybe someone wants to invest in a VIP day with you. Or maybe it’s not even business related — maybe you get an unexpected insurance settlement.
But, if you get so attached to landing 2 clients, you close down those other possibilities. You’re not allowing the Universe to help you attract the abundance you want — instead you’re busy trying to force your will on something that maybe isn’t supposed to unfold that way.
And, if you are trying to force something that’s not supposed to happen (which means it’s not happening no matter what you do) you run the risk of filling yourself with doubt, fear, anxiety and all sorts of negative emotions that further block the flow of abundance. (Can you say vicious cycle?)
Now, let’s turn it around. Let’s say rather than focus on the HOW you just focus on the WHAT. You let the Universe know you want to make an additional $10K but you don’t provide any other “instructions.” Instead you relax and focus on gratitude and abundance because you know the Universe is here to help you and support you — however that ends up looking.
Ahhh. Doesn’t that feel so much better than the first way (And the best part is it’s more effective too.)