Sales & Marketing

Neil Patel Digital Review: What Do You Get for Your Money?

Professional marketers and entrepreneurs alike read Neil Patel’s marketing blog for ideas and tactics, and use the marketing tools like Crazy Egg and Ubersuggest that he helped develop into the category leaders that they are today. Neil was named an Empact100 entrepreneur by the Obama White House, and has been honored by the UN and Forbes, among others.

All of this led to a great deal of excitement in 2016, when Neil founded Neil Patel Digital, together with business partner Mike Kamo.

Now businesses can employ Neil Patel’s marketing services directly. You can find positive Neil Patel Digital reviews  from huge clients like Amazon and Google, but if you’re thinking of hiring Neil’s marketing agency, you probably want to know more about what exactly you’ll get for your money, before you make a commitment.

Having gathered details from reviews published by his customers around the web, we’re here to answer that question.


Given that Neil is such a rockstar marketer, it’s not surprising that he charges rockstar prices. But the agency’s clients insist that his pricing is also very fair and balanced. There are flexible payment plans, and you can choose between a monthly or annual contact, depending on what works best for your cashflow situation.

Furthermore, the price you’ll pay is tailored specifically to your needs and is fully transparent. You won’t be forced into paying for a huge package if you don’t need or want it. Instead, you’ll receive a customized pricing proposal that lays out exactly which services are included in your contract.

It’s important to know that working with Neil Patel Digital means signing up for at least one year, so it’s not for the commitment-phobic. The long contract time is so that the NP Digital team can create and implement a long-term marketing strategy instead of short-term fixes.


Neil Patel Digital follows Neil’s own marketing approach, which is to take a holistic view of the entire process. As a result, you’ll find that his team specializes in a whole set of interconnected marketing services:

  • Social media marketing. This includes a targeted strategy for the biggies, like Facebook and Instagram, as well as niche platforms where you can establish a powerful brand reputation.
  • SEO. This is one of Neil Patel’s biggest strengths, and it’s reflected in the priorities of his team at NP Digital. SEO and content marketing services are combined, since they feed off each other.
  • PPC. Another key element to marketing campaigns at NP Digital. You’ll get assistance in developing paid ad campaigns that cover social media, apps, and search engine ads, to beat ad-blockers and audience apathy.
  • Strategy and funnel development. Expect expert analysis of your existing funnels, advice for maximizing complex business and marketing channels, and guidance on identifying new paths for conversion.
  • Email marketing and lead capture. Although this is provided by Hello Bar, another of Neil’s companies, the level of professionalism and results are still high. You’ll enjoy expert support to grow your email list with valuable new contacts.

You can request assistance with just one of these areas, but it’s best to take the complete marketing package so that the NP Digital team can harmonize every aspect of your marketing efforts.

You’ll really be getting a single marketing strategy that has several elements to it, since it’s inevitable that your PPC ads also impact on your SEO tactics, your social media and your email content overlap, and that SEO, PPC, social, and email campaigns are all involved in your marketing and sales funnels.

Underpinning all these marketing tactics is content marketing. Your marketers at NP Digital follow Neil’s own precepts by beginning with your content, which is the foundation for all your digital marketing campaigns. If your content is not quite all it could be, the dedicated NP Digital professionals work with you to strengthen and improve it, so that you can use it to drive down costs for PPC, boost your SEO rankings, and employ it as a reliable springboard for overarching marketing strategy.

Workflows and Processes

The proposal generation and onboarding processes at NP Digital are exemplary. You won’t get any hard sell here. Instead, the strategy work begins before you even sign up or commit to paying a penny.

The team starts by giving all your marketing efforts a thorough overhaul, ripping apart your email campaigns and social media posts, finding weaknesses in your SEO choices, and spotting missed opportunities for PPC. Prepare yourself to face up to every mistake you ever made in your content marketing, because you’ll be assessed by an unforgiving judge.

However, it’s all for a good cause. Neil Patel Digital’s team identifies everything that could be improved, and they send you a detailed list, complete with recommendations for changes and projections for estimated traffic lift, conversion lift and ROI once those changes are implemented.

You’ll get a full description of how they will increase SERP rankings, monthly traffic, and your overall revenue.

You’ll only get a pricing proposal and a contract after this process is complete. The model does make it hard to get a quick price quote, but it also enables you to feel confident about the service you’re about to pay for and helps ensure that NP Digital has properly understood your company’s needs. If you’re not happy with their assessment of your marketing requirements, you can ask them to think again, or simply walk away without any charge.

Once you’ve signed the contract and begun payments, the real work begins. At Neil Patel Digital, the focus is on long-term results, which means that it takes around six months of improving content, fine-tuning SEO keywords, redeveloping funnels, and refining PPC ad elements before clients see a significant uptick in traffic and conversions.

Neil Patel Digital Delivers Long-Term Results

Wrapping up on this review of Neil Patel Digital,  it’s clear that with the company’s holistic marketing approach, your money doesn’t just bring you marketing advice and guidance. All the marketing elements impact on each other to boost revenue and profits for the long term.

It takes time to finish improving each piece of the puzzle, but once SEO, PPC, email, social, and content are all working together as part of a well-thought-out marketing strategy, they have an impact which is greater than the sum of their parts.