Sales & Marketing

Measuring the Success of Your Telemarketing Campaign

Article Contributed by Jo

It is important that if your business plans a telemarketing campaign, your expectations are met and are measurable. If you decide to use the services of a call centre, you do not want to be throwing money away and not distinguishing whether your telemarketing campaigns are working or not. Telemarketing budgets are becoming slimmer and slimmer and this means that you need to do everything you can to ensure that the money that you do spend on telemarketing goes on the right things, and does not get wasted.

The way which you can ensure that your telemarketing campaign is successful is to set out clear objectives. This means that you need to set out clear cut measures so that you can indicate the success of the campaign in a formulaic fashion.

There are various ways you can do this. A professional call centre will help you to create measurable objectives if you outsource. If you are doing it yourself, you can go for simple objectives or more complex measures, whichever is most appealing to you and whatever is most methodical. Your telemarketing campaign might be complex, and therefore might require a more flexible and complex approach.

The first thing you should do is put a report together which figures out what exactly you are measuring in your campaign. You might be conducting the campaign for several reasons, you might need to generate more leads, you might need more data, or you might want to promote a product or service. You need to determine whether it is an outbound or inbound campaign.

You then need to think about your KPIs. This stands for your “key performance indicators.” Once you have decided what you are doing in your campaign, you can set very specific key performance indicators for your strategy. Your key performance indicators will be the backbone to your strategy, and can be anything like revenue, new leads generated, new data gathered, or the number of calls that have been made. These are far easier to keep track of and therefore you can track your campaign success more easily. You can also use this data to compare how this differs from previous telemarketing efforts you have made, and it helps you to define your return on investment.

After you have gathered the data that you need, you are able to assess your performance. Make sure that you use this data effectively; do not allow it to collect dust on the shelves. This data could be crucial and allows your business to adapt to changing industry or client requirements. You can take both the positives and negatives out of your data and use them to define a course of action. You might need to repeat the campaign in the future, to compare them with these results and see whether your redefined assessments were more effective.

About the Author

Jo writes for – a call answering service that can help you launch your own tailor made business telemarketing campaign.